Emanating from a Pitta imbalance, rosacea is a type of chronic skin inflammation that is characterized by the rose-like appearance or reddening of the skin of the face particularly the cheeks and nose. It is mainly common in fair-skinned people, although in certain cases, even dark skin toned people have this and it gradually becomes prominent with growing age. Also Read: Rosacea: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Often misconstrued as acne or eczema, rosacea usually portrays symptoms like facial flushing, thickening of the skin, the appearance of blood vessels, large open pores, patchy skin that is often accompanied by small bumps around the eyes and nose. Although the severity of the symptoms may vary from person to person, if they are not treated on time it can worsen and even lead to permanent damage.

Rosacea Is Of 4 Distinct Types:

Papulopustular Rosacea:

Characterized by redness and swelling of the skin and accompanied by breakouts that look like acne.

Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea:

This infection exhibits redness and flushing of the skin and is accompanied by the appearance of blood vessels.

Phymatous Rosacea:

Thickening of the skin and a coarse texture, are the typical characteristics of this type.

Ocular Rosacea:

It usually occurs on the eye with a stye like a bump that causes irritation and inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.

The holistic science of Ayurveda comes with an approach that ‘a healthy interior core within the human body is necessary for healthy exterior features.’ It mostly deals with assuaging the internal aggravating factors while simultaneously addressing the topical skin issues. Ayurveda categorizes rosacea as a type of pitta aggravating disorder, that causes an excessive build-up of toxin which are mostly triggered due to certain factors like spicy unhealthy food, having excessive caffeinated beverages, too much stress, excessive temperature variations, sun damage, and certain intestinal infection. In many cases, rosacea may also crop up due to genetic factors, or as a side effect of certain oral medications and topical skin products.

To manage the symptoms of rosacea, ayurvedic healing mostly recommends pacifying the pitta exacerbation by personalising a diet comprising of cool, sweet, stabilizing foods by replacing those that are sour, spicy, salty, or pungent. This diet includes fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins, and anti-inflammatory food derivatives. It is also advisable to reduce stress and anxiety to prevent sudden acne breakout and the use of herbal products as much as possible.

Home remedies for rosacea

One must always keep in mind to put on sunscreen before stepping out in order to reduce the worsening of rosacea during the ongoing treatment. Even yogasanas like the bridge pose, boat pose or the chair pose can diminish pitta aggravation and help in lessening rosacea symptoms.

Manage the rosacea symptoms with these effective herb-based home remedies:

Ayurvedic Remedies Of Rosacea

Aloe vera

Since ancient times, the colourless gel obtained from the aloe barbadensis leaf has portrayed multi-faceted benefits. Being one of the most trusted remedies for a variety of skin problems, the fresh aloe vera gel is crucial in treating rosacea. The potent anti-inflammatory and healing properties of aloe vera not only diminish rosacea symptoms but also impart a natural radiance to the skin. Smother the affected part with aloe vera gel, to reduce swelling and inflammation. Also Read: Amazing Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Glowing Skin

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Touted as a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, this magic yellow powder has been known to deal with several skin issues including hyperpigmentation, ageing signs, and scarring. The active component curcumin in turmeric helps in soothing inflammation when applied topically or consumed as a food.

Apply a paste of turmeric powder and curd onto the affected skin to reduce redness and swelling.


Being a natural cleanser, and imbued with anti-microbial properties, honey is extremely beneficial in preventing the spread of the rosacea infection. When applied onto the skin, it not only soothes dry inflamed skin but also prevents further growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Massage the affected skin with a few drops of raw honey to get desired results within a fortnight.

Green Tea

An amazing remedy for rosacea, green tea infused with polyphenols and antioxidants, not only helps reduce inflammation and swelling but also treats flushing and redness of the skin. It also reduces the skin’s reaction to UVA and UVB rays and thus helps to tame sun-triggered flare-ups.

Apply cooled off green tea on to the rosacea affected skin using cotton balls to reduce redness and inflammation.


Enriched with healthful nutrients like Vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, potassium, calcium and iron, methi powder or leaves have been known to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It prevents the formation of pus-filled acne on the affected skin and also reduces red patches. It also prevents itching and irritation and soothes the inflamed skin.

Apply a paste of methi powder mixed with rose water onto the affected areas of the skin to get relief from itchy inflamed skin and obtain a natural smooth glowing complexion.