Weight loss is an ever-trending topic. It can attract eyes, ears, grab full attention from all and sundry be it in the crowd, one-on-one or even on a WhatsApp group chat. Well, we can understand. Shedding those extra kilos is no mean task, especially in these pandemic days of all work from/at home and no play!

But, if you have kept your fitness journey going and did not laze around, letting those chunks of fat deposits around the abdomen, thighs, and hip region vanish, take a bow! However, if the weighing scale is denying that number you might want to see, relax. More congratulations are on the way!
Fat burning exercise and foods

That’s right. You are on the right path to fitness, as your body is losing those stubborn fat deposits but not muscle, giving that toned, million bucks look! And did you notice? You are much healthier and feel far lighter than earlier.  

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Confused? Losing fat but not weight? Yes! The concept of weight loss and fat loss are as different as chalk and cheese and in this article, we will explain all that you need to know about these most intriguing topics of the fitness world.

What Is The Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Loss?

Weight loss includes reduction of overall weight of the body including fat, muscle and water, whereas fat loss refers to the decrease in fatty deposits under the skin (subcutaneous) and that of visceral around abdomen and organs like liver and kidneys. Weight loss may make you look slimmer, but it doesn’t mean that you are fit and healthy to manage your daily activities relentlessly without getting tired.

Weight loss often changes depending on various factors including hormonal fluctuations, excessive intake of salts and sugars, water, consuming low fibre diet etc. Weight loss can happen only if you are on a strict diet control, eating far more lesser calories than you burn, and it often varies depending on the workout regimen.

Fat loss refers to toning down of the body due to specific reduction in the levels of body fat. If you are aiming at letting those fat deposits go forever, choose strength and resistance training techniques, eat nutritious diet. However, while weight loss can be tracked regularly on the weighing scale, it is not easy to know the progress in case of fat loss. But, if you have dropped sizes of your dresses and fitting into those from yesteryears, yay! You did it.     

Weight loss plays a crucial role in the overall wellbeing, but fat loss is extremely crucial for preventing the risk of chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal dysfunctions, cancer etc.

How To Lose Fat Faster?

If you find the task of losing fat alongside weight exciting, you are welcome! And here’s how you can quickly burn it.

Protein Rich Diet:

Nothing serves the purpose than a protein rich diet, as it not only curbs the appetite but also cuts down on fat deposits around the abdomen. Various studies reveal that it not only preserves muscle mass but also triggers metabolism which in turn also helps in losing weight. Include legumes, dairy products, nuts and seeds, lentils, soy, eggs, fish to burn that fat away.

Strength Training:

Strength or resistance training which requires you to stretch muscles to build stamina, is the next big thing in fitness world. Studies reveal that practicing strength training greatly reduces visceral fat in those with low or no metabolism. Go for aerobic exercises like swimming, cycling, brisk walking, HIIT, to reach your target at a faster pace.

Sleep Well:

Yes! Your sleep quality is often an important factor that can help you slimming down. Lack of sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances, trigger midday hunger pangs, increase appetite thus making you eat more than the required amount of food. Make sure to sleep at the same time, wake up fresh by getting your body used to a particular circadian rhythm.

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Eat Healthy Fats:

Well, not all fats are bad, there are good fats too. Fat is in fact a type of nutrient and we need this component too, in the right amounts. While one has to avoid eating those foods loaded with trans-fat and saturated fats, it is not advisable to deny good fats to the body. Good fat aids in managing mood swings, make you feel energetic, and help you lose weight. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fall under good fats category which are crucial for maintain heart health, prevent arrhythmia, lower blood pressure etc. These good fats available in desi ghee, paneer, tofu, groundnuts, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and nuts trigger faster melting of that stubborn fat deposits.

Also Read: Desi Ghee: How To Make It, Nutrition, Benefits For Health, Skin And Recipes

Dietary Fibre:

Fibre rich foods are your best bet in reaching your goal. Soluble fibre absorbs water, making you feel satiated for longer hours, thus preventing weight gain and accumulation of fat deposits. Nutritionists recommend a minimum of 10 grams of soluble fibre intake daily to lose belly fat. Include more green leafy vegetables, whole grains, lentils, nuts and seeds for fat loss.