If you are one of those trying to lose weight, do away with those fat deposits around the waist and have been avoiding fats in your daily diet, this article is for you. The word ‘fat’ is forbidden at many levels but let us tell you that all fats are not bad. There are good fats too, which not only play a crucial role in overall wellbeing but also help in burning that stubborn belly fat away!

Yep! That’s right and one such super food you should add to your daily diet to melt those ugly fat deposits around your stomach, is desi ghee. It is no secret that ghee, that has been unceremoniously ignored in the last decade or so, is on a comeback mode, thanks to the awareness that is being created by doctors, nutritionists on its numerous health benefits.
Ghee and rice

And now, keep the chin up, relish ghee unapologetically even as you notice bad fat melting away, slimming you down.

Also Read: Desi Ghee: How To Make It, Nutrition, Benefits For Health, Skin And Recipes

Ghee For Fat Loss:

Well, desi ghee made from pure cow’s milk is a treasure trove of vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants that aid in accelerating the process of weight loss.

Ghee contains short-chain fatty acids that trigger the process of smooth digestion in the body and lose weight. These components also aid in better absorption of fat-soluble nutrients including Vitamins A, E, D and K and also regulate hormones.

The rich presence of Omega-3 and Omega -6 fatty acids not only reduce the fat levels in your body but also tone it down.

Ghee is an amazing ingredient that can burn down the stored fat cells in the body in exchange to energy, leading to faster weight loss.

Even as you consume ghee, fat cells accumulated around your stomach, thighs, buttocks shrink in size owing to the presence of amino acids.

If you are suffering from thyroid related disorders and are having an unintended weight gain, ghee is your saviour. It helps in better assimilation of Vitamin D, which in turn regulates the thyroid function and aids in shedding those extra kilos.

Don’t worry even if you are lactose intolerant. Desi ghee doesn’t contain casein or lactose, which means it can be consumed by those who cannot digest dairy products.

Also Read: 6 Secret Benefits Of Adding Ghee To Your Diet

How Much Ghee Is Too Much?

Noted nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar strongly suggests adding ghee proportionate to the dish. While millets would require a little extra ghee, you can cut it down for dal and rice. Essentially, make sure that the ghee flavour doesn’t mask the original taste of the dish.

How To Consume Ghee?

Add a dollop of desi ghee to hot rice, dal, rotis, parathas for better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Poor gut health leads to various complications and weight gain is one of them. Ayurveda strongly recommends mixing a teaspoon of ghee in a glass of warm milk and drinking it in the morning for regulating digestive health and to shed those extra fat deposits around tummy.

Hot water mixed with ghee also helps enormously. It not only softens and dissolves stubborn fat cells but also hydrates the body from within, flushes out toxins thus making you feel lighter and healthier.