There’s a vast repository of oils that are believed to boost hair growth, right from rosemary oil, castor oil, and coconut oil to name a few. But what about olive oil for hair health?  We all know that olive oil is excellent for cooking and salad dressing and offers immense heart health benefits. You would be wondering if olive oil can help you achieve healthy hair. Surprisingly, olive oil has a broad range of benefits on the hair owing to its natural moisturizing, smoothening and strengthening traits. Olive oil is beneficial in nourishing dry hair and makes your mane look supple and smooth.
Olive oil for hair

Battling Dry Hair? Try Our Immense Range Of Hair Care Products For Shiner And Healthier Mane

How Olive Oil Works for Dry Hair?

Olive oil is imbued with essential nutrients and antioxidants, making it an excellent natural treatment for dry hair. Here’s how it works for dry hair:

Advantages of Olive Hair

Moisturizes and Conditions

Olive oil diffuses deep into the hair shaft, locking in moisture and providing needed conditioning. This helps to hydrate and soften dry, brittle mane.

Nourishes the Scalp

 Olive oil's richness in antioxidants and vitamins, such as vitamin E and fatty acids, strengthens the scalp and enhances overall hair health. A healthy scalp is essential for keeping the hair hydrated and strong.

Also Read: Olive Oil: 5 Incredible Ways It Benefits Your Skin And Hair

Strengthens Hair Strands

The natural emollient actions of olive oil help to strengthen the hair strands, decreasing breakage and split ends. This results in smoother, lustrous and more resilient hair.

Safeguards Against Damage

 Olive oil forms a shielding barrier around the hair shaft, thus protecting it from environmental pollutants, heat styling, and chemical treatments. This helps maintain the mane’s natural moisture balance.

Reduces Frizz

The moisturizing qualities of olive oil help to smoothen the hair cuticle, reducing frizz and tangled mane. This results in easy detangling and shiner-looking hair.

How to Use Olive Oil for Dry Hair?

Hot Oil Treatment

Take about 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil and heat it mildly. Smear the oil on the scalp and hair gently. Wrap the hair with a shower cap and let it stay on for half an hour. Rinse well with shampoo and conditioner. This deep conditioning treatment should be done once a week for better hair health and hydration.

Also Read: Coconut Oil: 5 Amazing Coconut Oil DIY Recipes For Lustrous And Healthier Hair-Infographic

Pre-Shampoo Treatment

Take a generous quantity of olive oil and apply it to the dry hair strands before washing. Allow it to stay for 15-30 minutes for the oil to diffuse and lock in moisture. Shampoo and condition the hair as usual. This process supports shielding the hair from the drying impacts of shampoo and other heat styling.

Leave-In Conditioner

After washing and drying the hair, gently apply a small amount of olive oil to the hair ends. This process helps to lock in moisture and shield the hair from environmental pollutants and heat styling.
Dry hair

Hair Mask

Make your nourishing hair mask by blending olive oil with honey, yogurt or banana. Apply this mask to your hair and let it stay on for half an hour before washing. The blend of natural ingredients offers the needed hydration and nourishment to dry hair.

Scalp Massage

Regularly massaging olive oil into the hair scalp can promote blood circulation and hair growth and sustain a healthy scalp. Warm 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil and gently smear it into the hair scalp in a circular motion for 10 minutes before rinsing it out.

Who Shouldn’t Use Olive Oil?

For those prone to dandruff or have an oily scalp, olive oil is not a great choice. This oil works well for people with thicker, and dry mane,

Potential Side Effects

Though olive oil is considered safe for most hair types, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

Greasy Residue: Excessive olive oil use or not washing it out well can leave a greasy residue on the hair. Start with a small amount and adjust based on your hair’s needs.

Allergic Reactions: Though rare, some people may be allergic to olive oil. Do a patch test before using it on your scalp and hair to avoid an adverse reaction.

Build-Up: Regular use of olive oil can lead to build-up on your hair and scalp. Rinse well with a mild shampoo regularly to clear out any residue and maintain a healthy balance.


Olive oil is an incredible natural emollient for dry hair, offering intense hydration, nourishment, and protection to dry and brittle hair. The rich nutrient profile and moisturizing actions make it an excellent choice for those looking to revamp shine, lower frizz, and boost the overall health of their hair. You can enjoy smoother, shinier, and more manageable locks by incorporating olive oil treatments into your hair care routine. Always use it in moderation and based on your hair’s requirements.

(This article is reviewed by Soumita Basu Ayurveda Pharma Expert )

Author Profile

M Sowmya Binu:

With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing a wide array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.


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