Iron is a very essential mineral that plays a key role in numerous bodily functions, the foremost amongst them being proper red blood cell synthesis and transport, to various tissues and organs in the system.

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Iron, although being a mineral present in minuscule quantities in the body, is very vital for men and women of all ages, to ensure optimal metabolism, growth and development. In fact, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises iron as one of the central elements in the multiple micronutrient powder, featured in the WHO List Of Essential Medicines.


Iron is a trace element that is involved in several important functions in the body such as:

  • Forms a structural part of haemoglobin, a protein that is crucial for carrying oxygen in the blood
  • Ensures a healthy and safe pregnancy, by meeting vital nutrient requirements of both the expecting mother and the developing foetus.
  • Boosts the system's innate immune activity
  • Helps cells meet energy requirements, to carry out routine biochemical roles
  • Regulates body temperature, keeping it at the normal range of 37 to 38 Celcius
  • Promotes digestion and gut health
  • Enhances brain function, memory and concentration

Food Sources:

Iron food sources

A host of healthy foods offer profuse amounts of iron, to meet the recommended daily requirements for people of all ages, be it children, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged or the elderly. Also Check Out: 5 Foods Super-Rich In Iron That Are Essential For Overall Health-Infographics

Some common food sources abundant in iron include:

  • Green beans and peas
  • Lentils such as moong dal, urad dal, toor dal, channa
  • Whole grains like ragi, oats, quinoa
  • Dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, moringa leaves
  • Tofu
  • Potatoes
  • Cashew nuts


In many instances, growing children, adolescents and even young adults do not consume a healthy balanced diet, thus not obtaining adequate amounts of iron required by blood cells in the body. Hence, iron supplements, taken once a day following a meal, vastly supplement the system’s requirements of iron, to perform usual biochemical enzymatic functions.

Iron supplements usually are in the form of tablets of the ferrous sulphate salts, sometimes coupled with vitamin C, as vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that also increases the absorption of iron by tissues.


The deficiency of iron in the body leads to alarmingly low concentrations of healthy red blood cells. This, in turn, causes severe complications such as a lack of haemoglobin, wherein the muscles and other tissues do not receive oxygen supply to carry out their normal functions. This is a condition referred to as iron deficiency anaemia, common symptoms of which comprise fatigue, dizziness and difficulty breathing. Also Read: Anemia: 5 Awesome Natural Remedies To Boost Your Iron Levels

Consuming a diet rich in iron-fortified foods and taking iron supplements regularly can help alleviate symptoms of anaemia. However, always consult a doctor for professional medical advice, on the duration and dosage of taking iron supplements.


Too much iron in the body can cause grave consequences such as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, internal bleeding and in rare cases, even a coma. It is hence strongly advised to seek professional medical advice, before consuming iron supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does iron deficiency affect the body?

Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, causing fatigue, weakness, and pale skin, along with impaired cognitive function and weakened immune response.

Can iron improve athletic performance?

Yes, adequate iron levels can enhance athletic performance by improving oxygen delivery to muscles, reducing fatigue, and increasing endurance.

Is iron important for brain function?

Absolutely, iron is crucial for cognitive development and function, as it helps maintain neurotransmitter health and supports memory and concentration.

What role does iron play in immune health?

Iron supports the immune system by helping white blood cells fight infections and promoting the growth and differentiation of immune cells.

How does iron benefit pregnant women?

Pregnant women need extra iron to support the increased blood volume and ensure proper oxygen supply to the developing fetus.

(This article is reviewed by M Sowmya Binu Health & Nutrition Expert)

Author Profile

Soumita Basu:

Soumita Basu holds a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and is keenly interested in Ayurveda, home remedies, yoga, fitness, diagnostics, and beauty. With nearly 6 years of experience, she produces evidence-based health content, including articles, videos, and infographics, to provide valuable insights to her audience.


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LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Authors: Dipun Nirmal, Perera, Chathurangi Lakshika, Palliyaguruge, Dasuni Dilkini, Eapasinghe, Liyanage Dilmi, Maleesha, R A C Haily Seneviratne, Dhanushika Demini, Malshani Jayasinghe, Mishal Faizan, Umapriyatharshini Rajagopalan, B. Prasanna Galhena, Hasi Hays, Kanishka Senathilake, Kamani Tennekoon, Sameera Ranganath Samarakoon