Intertrigo is a skin condition that results in reddish rash between the folds of the skin, where the surface of the skin rub against each other and retain moisture. The rash may be itching, painful but not infectious. These rashes mostly affect large skin fold areas such as armpits, beneath the breasts, groin, inner thighs, crease of the neck, abdomen and toes. Bacteria, virus and fungus may breed in the moist environment and may further worsen the condition. Intertrigo may also be seen in infants which mostly shows up as diaper rash. Also Read: Here's Everything You Need To Know About Babies And Skin Rashes



Intertrigo is an inflammatory skin disorder that may be aggravated by various factors such as moisture, heat, poor circulation of air and friction between folds of the skin. Intertrigo is common among all age groups but mostly seen in young and older people and babies using a diaper. Moreover, people with a compromised immune system, ones who are bedridden are more prone to have intertrigo.


It generally starts as small bumps, redness or spots in the skin folds. The rash may be:

  • Itchy
  • Reddish or brown rash
  • Uncomfortable
  • Burning
  • Prickly
  • Painful
  • Cracked as in the case of Psoriasis
  • Foul odour

Generally, it appears on both sides of the skin fold and reddish area may be inflamed which may lead to cracking, bleeding, oozing and crust over. The area surrounding the skin may be scaly. If incase any secondary infection occur from bacteria, fungus or yeast attacks, then intertrigo may be infectious. Smaller skin fold areas such as behind ears, chin or eyelids may also get affected if there is an infection. The symptoms of intertrigo may get aggravated when the skin area comes in contact with bodily fluids like sweat, urine or feces.


  • Keep yourself clean and dry.
  • Apply over the counter creams if the intertrigo is only inflammatory and not infectious. Also Read: 5 Ways to Treat Your Skin Allergy Naturally
  • Use antiperspirant to control sweat, especially under the breast region.
  • Use antifungal shampoo and soaps on the affected regions.
  • Always wear loose-fitting cotton clothing and avoid synthetic materials that can be irritating.

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Generally, the treatment of intertrigo is using skin cream, Vaseline, and zinc oxide powder to treat mild rashes. It is also important to maintain proper hygiene and keep yourself clean and dry. If bacteria, fungus or viral infectious develops then antibiotics and topical skin creams are prescribed to control the infection.