Monsoons are most welcome in all the tropical regions of our country but they also bring along their share of health problems.

Applying Cream For Fungal Infection On Toes

While common cold, cough, fevers are like regular visitors; skin problems in the form of fungal infections too arise in this season, thanks to the damp weather.

Rainy days are ideal for the fungi, bacteria and viruses to thrive and for causing infections.

Fungal infections are quite common during monsoons and if not treated properly, it may get aggravated into stubborn skin diseases causing severe itching, scarring, rash and redness.

You are at the risk of fungal infections if you are a diabetic, aged over 65, skin injuries, wear artificial nails regularly and with weakened immunity system.

There are several types of fungal infections that occur in monsoons.

1. Ringworm: Ringworm is a most common type of infection that appears in the shape of a ring and can affect areas like neck, feet and armpits. Do not scratch the affected area and use anti-fungal cream, powder for relief.

2. Athlete’s Foot: Athletes Foot is caused due to exposing feet in dirty water for a longer time. Feet get discoloured, scaly and patchy causing itchiness and irritation. Always keep your feet dry, wear breathable socks. Rub some vinegar on the feet and talk to your dermatologist for an anti-bacterial or anti-fungal cream or powder.

3. Nails Infection: Nails are more prone to fungal infections during monsoons. The fungal infection occurs if dirt gets accumulated under the nails and not cleaned properly. Trim the nails, keep toes clean to avoid infections. Rub in some anti-fungal powder for relief.

4. Eczema: Eczema is quite common, however a chronic condition where blisters, patches appear on the skin. Damp weather aggravates the condition. Pure coconut oil provides instant relief and wear cotton clothes. Ask your dermatologist to prescribe the right kind of medication or moisturizer.

5. Tinea Capitis: Known as ringworm of scalp, Tinea Capitis is a fungal infection that occurs on scalp and beard. Use anti-fungal shampoo with salicylic acid to exfoliate and scrub the skin off infected and dead cells.