We Indians celebrate our 77th Independence Day today to commemorate the nation's liberation from British colonial rule. This significant day is characterized by patriotic fervor and many celebratory events throughout the country. Marked by the iconic unfurling of the Indian flag and the singing of the national anthem, Independence Day instills a sense of unity and pride among us Indians. 

While it is a great time to ponder upon the sacrifices of leaders who got us independence through nonviolent resistance, how about reflecting upon freedom from some taboo health disorders we do not feel comfortable discussing in public, unlike other ailments we can freely talk about? In this article, we shall delve into how to free ourselves from bondage and speak about it when it comes to these five health disorders.

Also Read: Independence Day 2022: 5 Supreme Health Practices India Taught Rest of The World, In 75 Years And Before

Mental Illness

Mental illness is an umbrella term that defines significant disturbances in an individual's cognition and emotional behavior. Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, OCD, mood swings, mild to severe stress, and so on all come under mental illness. Often shrouded in taboo, many people do not speak about the abovementioned problems due to several stigmas around such diseases and fear of being labeled as abnormal, psychotic, or even someone who should be kept at arm's length. Our mind must be freed from this notion of shackles and open it before it leads to aggravation or suicidal attempts.

Also Read: Postnatal Depression: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Dealing With This Disorder


Infertility is the inability to become pregnant after unprotected and regular sexual intercourse involving a male and female partner. One of the primary aspects of human evolution, this subject is a big no! In today's world and technology, there are many treatment options available, and in the worst-case scenario, if the person cannot conceive, being infertile is not a sin. Unfortunately, many women experience violence, emotional stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem due to this health problem and cannot open up.


With social media in its best form, being overweight is taboo. Adolescents fear being bullied and do not talk about their problems regarding eating disorders or other issues that may lead to unhealthy weight gain. Eating disorders are easy to control, and many weight loss aids can immensely help. Lately, the world has been crashing towards record levels of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and circulatory illnesses. Thus, this peculiar dysfunction of our society needs to be addressed and spoken about at length.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Also known as social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a constant fear of being watched and judged by others. Often misjudged as depression, it is a fear ( primarily among the young age group) that they may voluntarily or involuntarily say something that could be humiliating or embarrassing. If unaddressed, this may lead to loneliness and depression. Parents who notice their kids steering clear of people must address this and seek professional help before it affects their school and day-to-day activities. Even in adults, it can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts.

Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction, low sexual desire, and other related sexual problems are common concerns nowadays, yet many people avoid discussing them. About one-third of young and middle-aged women and men experience such low sex desire, pain during intercourse, or lack of pleasure. There can be various reasons, such as stress, fear, anxiety, or underlying health conditions. Several treatment options can be worked out if we start speaking about them instead of keeping quiet and going into a shell.