We Indians are celebrating our 75th Independence Day today and no doubt, the spirit of patriotism soars high in all our hearts. The past year and a half has particularly been quite challenging, with the raging COVID-19 pandemic not only causing extensive loss of life but also affecting our physical fitness and mental wellbeing. With uncertainties looming large on employment opportunities, fear of health, future prospects and working from home becoming a new normal, many of us are facing various psychiatric issues.
Indian Independence Day

Over the course of the past eighteen months, several doctors have reported a rise in patients battling mental health issues, be it depression, anxiety, erratic mood swings, bipolar characteristics or heightened tension, worry and nervousness. The primary reasons being difficulty in balancing work pressures and mundane chores, cooped up within the house, while simultaneously having to deal with kids, teenagers, elderly or even lonely environments quite often. Agreed that having to handle numerous responsibilities and constantly multitasking is no easy feat and ultimately, negatively influences the mind. Added to that, there still exists a prominent stigma associated with mental disorders in our society, besides the looming uncertainty over when we can all go back to leading our usual normal lives again.
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Nevertheless, fret not. Cultivate some constructive habits and develop an optimistic outlook about the future. Do not hesitate to seek help from physicians, medical experts, psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors, whether you are merely facing stressful scenarios, or encountering serious trouble with your mental wellness. Here are some basic guidelines, which will assist in healing mental and emotional distress, during this tough phase of lockdown.
Also Read: Independence Day: Do Not Let These 5 Chronic Conditions Curtail Your Freedom

Effective Tips To Lower Stress Levels And Calm The Mind:

Self-Care And Kindness

The most important value to inculcate amidst challenging circumstances of stringent lockdowns, chaotic households, irregular sleep cycles and demanding professional commitments, is to love yourself for, quite simply, the genuine person that you are. Accepting your external appearance, personality traits and not being too hard on yourself helps in elevating brain functions, making rational life decisions and dealing with failures of any kind in a mature manner.

Positive Support System

As much as it is vital to be compassionate to your own self, it is equally crucial to choose trustworthy people as part of your exclusive inner circle of well-wishers. Be it parents, siblings, a childhood buddy or a long-term colleague, in times of emotional turmoil, such dependable friends, family members will not only provide a shoulder for you to cry on but also encourage you and provide valuable guidance for all your endeavours.

Grateful Humble Attitude

Gratitude is indeed a virtue, especially in present days of having to mostly stay indoors. While it is alright to complain about having to forego summer vacations with loved ones, not being able to host parties for pals, or even dine at a fancy restaurant in the neighbourhood, you must also remember to count your blessings. Cherish the small things in life, like a home-cooked meal with kith and kin, for enriched mental wellbeing.

Holistic Fit Lifestyle

Steer clear of junk food, consume a wholesome diet comprising essential nutrients, with nourishing fluids for ample hydration. Taking all necessary safety precautions of social distancing, frequent handwashing and carrying a hand sanitizer, make it a point to engage in 30 minutes of brisk physical exercise on a daily basis. Playing sports such as badminton and tennis with a family member, friend or colleague once or twice a week also helps in stretching the muscles, building a strong core and keeping the mind and body active and fit.

Regular Health Checkups

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected individuals who have tested positive and contracted the viral infection but the general public at large. Be it young adults, families with children, teenagers or the elderly, numerous health concerns develop even when remaining indoors all through the day, from undue worry and fear about acquiring coronavirus disease, stress eating by consuming meals at odd hours, lack of exercise and hectic schedules. Doctors advise all persons even when they display no respiratory symptoms or have not been in crowded environs to go for a routine health checkup once every 6 months – 1 year to detect any health problems at once, treat them promptly and guarantee overall wellbeing.
Yoga And Meditation For Mental Wellness

Yoga And Meditation

Performing yoga asanas for merely 15 – 30 minutes daily helps in expanding the muscles in the neck, shoulders, arms, hips, thighs and feet, which stimulates blood circulation to these parts, strengthening the tissues. In the present times when work from home is still the norm and sedentary habits have become increasingly common among people of all ages, yoga is an excellent ancient practice that keeps the body energetic. Moreover, engaging in focused meditation regularly for 10 minutes in a breezy corner at home or in an open verandah augments lung power, improves breathing functions and promotes an active body and a sound mind.

Break From Routine

Burnout is becoming a rampant issue nowadays, due to an overload of projects, deadlines on employees, from their offices. As this invariably leads to physical, mental and emotional fatigue, consciously interrupting tedious schedules at work is the need of the hour, to provide respite from extreme monotony. Start a garden in your balcony, listen to music, dance, undertake creative pursuits like painting, crafts. Just rest, relax, unwind, to refresh and rejuvenate the body, mind and soul.

Netmeds.com Wishes All Its Customers A Very Happy 75th Indian Independence Day!