We all dream of having a fit and fabulous body but first things first. How many of us actually honoured our gym memberships or workout plans in the pre-lockdown era? With immunity being the buzzword in this pandemic period, we can only blame ourselves for not having exercised enough to boost our immune response.

But all is not lost. The excuses can be aplenty but there is no denying the fact that all we need is a little of bit of discipline in our lives to stay healthy and fit.
Woman working out indoors

Besides a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle practices including steering clear of alcohol, tobacco and getting proper deep sleep, fitness coaches, doctors and dietitians alike recommend engaging in physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day.

This not only boosts immunity, strengthens muscles, elevates stamina and stimulates metabolism, but also ensures heart wellness and helps maintain a healthy body weight by burning excess body fat and calories consumed during meals.

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Here are some fantastic indoor workouts that can be easily done at home.

Top 5 Home Workout Ideas:

Jump Rope

As a kid, you would have definitely experienced that adrenaline rush while skipping using a rope, with your close childhood friend or sibling. This leisure activity is, in fact, a great cardio routine for adults too, that vastly improves blood circulation and strengthens heart muscles.

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Tabata Training

This 4-minute magical work out – a type of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is something that everyone from novices to fitness junkies and enthusiasts can easily do at home. It comprises elaborate bending and stretching moves that will greatly fortify muscles in the torso, thighs and hips.


Yoga is an ancient Indian practice of physical exercise, made up of elaborate steps to achieve better balance and improved athletic performance. It consists of many different “asanas” or body postures, involving twisting, reclining and standing poses, which foster elevated energy and vitality.

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Meditation is a basic yet very powerful technique to attain equanimity or a focused, poised state of mind. It enriches the mental state by promoting emotional stability, encouraging positive thoughts, lowering stress levels and improving memory, concentration, which in turn assist in weight loss.


Aerobic exercises consist of fundamental hand and leg movements set to peppy music, that expand the biceps, triceps as well as shoulder and neck muscles, besides curving the waist and hips where stubborn belly fat tends to accumulate. It amplifies oxygen supply to the principal muscles, building lean muscle mass and preventing injuries.

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Walking Upstairs

Whether it’s raining or snowing you can still fit in your steps and get some good cardio workout by walking up and down any stairs at home or in your apartment. You can also boost things up by doing a step aerobic workout. Step up and down from the landing to the first step, check out to see how rapidly you can go. Surprisingly this simple workout offers you all the merits of a high-intensity cardio workout without giving any stress to your joints. It augments overall fitness by boosting stamina, burning fat, and improving your cardiovascular health. Further, it also burns calories, making it a perfect way to reach your fitness goal.

Couch Potato Workout

A couch potato workout is one that you can do effortlessly from your coach. Yes, you simply squeeze it in during commercial breaks of your favoruite show. One easy example of couch potato exercises is sitting-to-be-standing. During this workout, you need to repeatedly stand up from the couch, then sit back down again. This supports building your butt and thigh muscles and can boost your heart rate, depending on how rapidly you stand and sit.


Well, if it’s challenging for you to dive up the motivation to hit the gym or if leaving your house isn’t an option, you don’t really have to skip exercise. Getting in a workout or two at home is likely to make you feel healthier and better both physically and mentally.