Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious lifestyle disorder as it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure or kidney disease. It is the most significant risk factor associated with cardiac morbidity and mortality. As per the statistics, almost one in every three Indian adults is affected by high blood pressure and most of them are unaware of it. The main aim of treatment is to control blood pressure and safeguard the vital organs like brain, heart, eyes and kidneys from damage.

High blood pressure is defined as systolic blood pressure above 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure above 90mmHg. Hypertension can be effectively managed by adopting lifestyle modifications which are considered as the first line of defence against uncontrolled blood pressure. Habits that support to stabilise blood pressure include healthy eating practise, being physically active, sustaining weight, quitting smoking, restricting alcohol, cutting down salt and managing stress. Also Check Out: 5 Astonishing Supplements That Helps To Regulate Hypertension - Infographic

One of the key factors in controlling high blood pressure is exercise. Regular workouts help to reduce weight and studies have revealed that even 10% of weight loss can greatly bring down the blood pressure by 10 points. Moreover, exercise stimulate the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.

Exercise is a crucial and potentially the easiest way to beat hypertension. It also assists you to manage weight, strengthen the heart and beat stress. A healthy weight, optimal heart and emotional health are the cornerstone for maintaining blood pressure.
exercises for hypertension

Here are 5 simple exercises that you can practise regularly to control blood pressure.

Simple Exercises To Control Hypertension:


Walking is one of the best exercise plan to bring down the blood pressure, it lowers the blood pressure by lessening the stiffness in the blood vessels and allows the smooth flow of blood. Walking can bring down the blood pressure as much as 5 to 15 points. The positive impacts of brisk walking is most significantly noted soon after a workout. Studies have disclosed that 10 minutes of brisk walking thrice in a day, for six days in a week is more effective to promote weight loss and control blood pressure spikes than 30-minute trek per day.


Cycling or static cycling is one of the best ways to uplift the cardiac health and lowers blood pressure. It promotes overall endurance and strengthens leg muscles which exhibit positive impact on vascular functions. Cycling being a low impact activity is easy on joints and at the same time uplifts mood. It is recommended to do 30 minutes of cycling in a day or three 10 minutes blocks of cycling or static cycling. Also Read: Peddle Your Way To Being Fit And Fabulous


Regular aerobic exercise like treadmill enhances the blood circulation and flow to all the vital organs in the body and aids to reduce blood pressure by optimising cardiac function. Evidence has proven that blood pressure reading was under control for people who walked one-mile-per –hour pace at treadmill for at least 10 minutes every hour.

Strength Training

Strength training or light weight lifting exercises helps you build strong muscles, joints and bones and shed out more calories. It improves overall fitness and stabilises the blood pressure as well. It is ideal to alternate between upper and lower body exercises that give the muscles needed rest during the course of exercise.


Swimming is a highly beneficial water exercise and a complete workout that helps in regulating blood pressure in adults as well as older people. Studies have shown that people who practised 45 minutes of continuous swimming had remarkably lowered systolic blood pressure by 10 points. Moreover, swimming enhances the functioning of the heart and blood vessels while it also helps in strengthening the muscles of the legs, arms and shoulders.


The benefits of exercise can be earned only if the exercise is performed in a sustained manner. Moderate-intensity exercise for 150 minutes per week or 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity, 3 to 4 days in a week is the standard recommendation for controlling the blood pressure. Remember to start first with a warm-up, for 5- 10 minutes which helps the body get moving and avert injury and lastly do not forget to cool down post-workout, when you are about to finish, for a few minutes.