Beauty is skin deep. Indeed, it is! So, we always look for ways to discover the secret to flawless skin. After all, it’s all about the radiance that comes within and on the outside! And the hard part is to find the right products for your skin type. It is not just confusing, it is quite overwhelming too! But thanks to Mother Earth for giving us a plethora of herbal wonders. From bounteous herbs that have been our saviour for centuries, let us delve into one of the lesser-known herbs called henbit herb which boasts several skin healing incentives that have been an essential part of skin care since antiquity.

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What Makes Henbit Skin Friendly?

Member of the mint family, which includes better-known plants such as basil, thyme, oregano, sage, and many other common culinary herbs, henbit deadnettle, botanically called Lamium purpureum also goes by names such as red deadnettle, purple archangel, purple deadnettle or just henbit, is a fabulous seasonal skin healing herb native to southern Mexico and parts of Central and South America, Eurasia, and North Africa. Many call it a weed by many because it spreads wildly and can produce around two thousand seeds in one season which is a lot!  Thus, you will never find the dearth of the henbit. The name deadnettle comes from the fact that the herb resembles a nettle but without being stingy, implying it is dead. The plant contains anthocyanins in the purple pigments found in the leaves and the stems, contributing antioxidant-like properties to protect the cells against free radical damage and reduce several skin woes.

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A fabulous astringent, antiseptic, and potent anti-inflammatory, henbit works amazingly when it is used as a salve, lotion, or as a poultice for treating cuts, fighting skin disorders, and curing skin problems. Foray into this infographic to know more about it and why you should use it on your skin:

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1. Medicinal phytochemicals and health effects of henbit lamium amplexicaule L. Based on their evidence
