Healthy eating is one of the most intensely discussed topics among people, although health experts believe that eating well is quite simple and easy. The key to eating healthy is to choose a whole, minimally processed diet abundant in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and water. There is so much information and advice floating around on what to eat and what not to and it is literally hard to sift out the truth.

Well, we all know eating healthy and wholesome meals would help us to ward off diseases, boost immunity, increase energy level, kick start metabolism, and enhance overall physical and mental well-being. Yes, it is necessary to initiate healthy eating practices, by knowing the truth, which will help you attain a healthier body and a happy mind.
Healthy eating

This article is for all of you to cut through some of the biggest eating myths out there to help you eat better right away.

Myth 1:

Carbs are bad for you


Not true, carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet that offer a steady supply of energy for the system.  It is ideal to choose carbs from minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy. However, it is good to steer clear of refined grains and sugar that are not a good source of carbs.

Also Read: Good Carbs And Bad Carbs- How To Make The Right Choice?

Myth 2:

Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day


There is nothing special about breakfast. The first food you eat during the day is technically breakfast, but it is not essential for everyone. Skipping breakfast may help you to reduce overall calorie. Health benefits are linked with both eating and skipping breakfast. If you are not hungry in the morning, you can very well skip and move right into early lunch.

Myth 3:

You need to eat small, frequent meals for good health


Eating frequent, small meals throughout the day is a pattern followed by many people to kick the metabolism and lose weight. However, for all healthy people, the frequency of meals does not matter if you meet your energy demands. Furthermore, studies reveal that following a regular meal pattern may be best for optimising overall health.

Myth 4:

Non-nutritive sweeteners are healthy


Well, it’s clear that a diet laden in added sugar can remarkably increase disease risk, but excess intake of non-nutritive sweeteners can also lead to negative health effects such as a high risk of type 2 diabetes owing to an adverse shift in gut bacteria and blood sugar dysregulation.

Also Read: Artificial Sweeteners: 5 Healthy Sugar Substitutes You Can Include In Your Daily Diet

Myth 5:

Having a very low-calorie diet is the best way to lose weight


Yes, reducing calorie intake can indeed promote weight loss, but cutting calories too low can lead to poor metabolic rate, increased feeling of hunger, change in appetite hormones and long-term health effects. Moreover, low-calorie eaters hardly succeed in long-term weight maintenance.