India is currently observing National Nutrition Week from September 1 to 7 and it’s time we acknowledge the importance of healthy eating and address the nutritional needs of all age groups and genders. The Covid-19 pandemic in the last year-and-half made us realise the crucial role played by nutritious food not only in building robust immunity but also for ensuring overall physical and mental wellbeing, like never before.  

Food, on any platform be it during a one-on-one friendly banter, discussion or on social media is a tricky topic and gets highly debatable in no time. While many of us agree in unison on the ill effects junk food might leave on our body, we at the same time tend to disagree on what’s good and what’s not, in case of regular, staple diets.
National nutrition week, September 1 -7

Be it rice, pulses, oils, fruits and veggies, there is a lot of information available out there which needs to be processed in a right manner and this article is for you, to learn about the most common myths and facts. As we scroll down, let us discuss 5 popular food myths and unravel the truth behind it.


Rice is our staple, and it is no exaggeration if we told you that, there won’t be a single household across the length and breadth of our country, without this ingredient. Yet, rice is being subjected to a lot of scrutiny in the recent years, right from its nutritional content, varieties to choose – white, red rice or brown and if it should be completely substituted by millets. Here is the most popular myth about rice and the truth.


Rice Contains Gluten and Is Fattening


Nope. Rice doesn’t have any gluten and it doesn’t make you put on weight. One hundred grams of cooked white rice contains just 130 calories, 2 grams protein, 29 grams of protein sans any fat and doesn’t contribute to your weight gain. The key to any food is consuming it in right amounts, with a strict control over portion.

If you love rice, eat it guiltless. But don’t forget to add more vegetables and dals to it for super nutrition.

Also Read: Brown Rice Vs White Rice: Which Is Better?
Rice, ghee and pulses

Cold Pressed Oils:

Many of us may have refined tastes, when it comes to food but it’s time, we redefine our tastes. Thanks to nutritionists, dieticians for bringing in awareness about traditional foods, it’s time we brought cold pressed oils back into our kitchens. The science behind extracting these oils out of various ingredients like groundnuts, sesame seeds, olives and coconut is quite simple. They are obtained naturally by crushing seeds at the room temperature. And here is what you should know more.


Cold Pressed Oils Are High On Cholesterol


Not true. For instance, the amount of cholesterol in groundnut oil is a naught, means zero while coconut oil is a rich source of medium chain triglycerides for increasing the levels of good cholesterol and keep your heart healthy. While olive oil comes packed with antioxidants and healthy fats, do not forget sesame oil for its robust anti-inflammatory properties and controlling blood sugars.

Desi Ghee:

This one topic can trigger a volley of opinions in no time. Desi ghee? Of course not. What’s the difference? Ghee is nothing but clarified butter and it is off the food radar for many. Reason? It will make you put on weight, bad for heart, ups levels of cholesterol, makes skin oily and what not? What if we say, it’s all wrong for the following reasons?


Consuming Ghee Daily Hampers Your Overall Wellbeing


Ghee is loaded with short-chain fatty acids known as butyric acid, which effectively stimulates digestive system for better absorption of nutrients. It controls sudden spikes in blood sugars, regulates hormones. And it is your superfood to melt that stubborn belly fat, all thanks to conjugated linolenic acid to chuck those fat deposits. It improves eyesight, makes the skin glow from within. Want to know more?

Also Read: Desi Ghee: How To Make It, Nutrition, Benefits For Health, Skin And Recipes

Plant Protein:

If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, trying to incorporate more protein-based foods into your diet plan but often told that it’s not possible, do not dejected. The vegetarian food sources with copious amounts of protein are available in abundance and they include pulses, soya, tofu, nuts, seeds, grains and the list are long. However, here is the most popular misconception.


It Is Hard To Find Complete Protein In Plant Based Diet


Protein is essentially a macronutrient that is essential for building muscle mass, for repairing the old cells even as it produces the new ones. Since the basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids from animal foods closely matches with that of what humans utilize, it is widely believed that plant-based proteins do not meet the body’s requirement. In human digestive system, the protein in food consumed gets broken via digestion into amino acids and gets stored in blood which further repairs muscles and tissues.

So, be it animal or plant-based protein, it’s all the same when it comes to benefits.


If there is one food item that caught attention from across the globe, screaming for attention in the recent decade, then it’s millets. Apparently, these ancient grains were once-upon-a-time a staple of our forefathers and it’s time we enjoy the benefits too. While it is gaining popularity, it too has its own share of accusations to face and answer.


Millets are just a fad, hard to cook and not tasty


Millets are not fashionable; they are from quite an old school but super rich in nutritional value. Millets are loaded with niacin or Vitamin B3, which plays a crucial role in organ functioning and in maintaining healthy skin. They are loaded with beta-carotene, antioxidant, low on glycemic index and the amount of insoluble fibre makes it a prebiotic for supporting gut health, facilitating better absorption of nutrients and alleviate the risk of cancer.

Hard to cook, not really. Want to know the tips?

Also Read: Wholesome And Healthy Millet Recipes For Breakfast

And they are tasty too. We promise.