Summers are here, and all of us are experiencing intense fatigue and weakness as a result of the scorching temperature. We look out for ways to keep our bodies chill and there’s nothing better than enjoying natural foods that can cool down the body from the inside out. Ice-creams and cold drinks are some of the popular ones people prefer, but if you’re a health-conscious person then you should be avoiding those stuff at all costs, instead swap for natural food that not only cools down the body but is nourishing and energising as well. One such amazing ingredient blessed with a boast of nutrition and health-benefiting traits is Gond Katira. It is a popular herb in Indian kitchens for ages, Gond Katira is well-known for its delectable taste and cooling qualities.

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Dive into this article to know the benefits and many reasons why it should be a must to add food to your summer diet regimen.

Gond Katira

What Is Gond Katira?

Gond Katira is a crystalline herb acquired from the sap of the plant Locoweed (Astragalus gummier shrubs). It is also known as Tragacanth gum which is valued for its natural cooling and health-benefiting properties. This herb has been used since times immemorial in Ayurvedic medicine for healing a host of health conditions like cough and dysentery. Gond Kaitra is a jelly-like compound that is odourless and tasteless, appears white or pale-yellow solid crystal and dissolves in water and takes the form of soft jelly. Gond katira is cultivated mainly in Middle Eastern countries and Western Asia. Having this natural coolant keeps the body cool in the extreme summer season and fends off several health anomalies.

 Gond Katira Nutrition

These crystalline herbs are an incredible source of dietary fibre, and natural prebiotics which assist in lowering the body’s heat to a great extent. It encompasses the key macronutrients including carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats.

Nutritional Value Per 100-gram Gond Katira:

  • Calories 70
  • Total Fat 86 g
  • Carbohydrates 35 g
  • Fibre 30 g
  • Protein 9.51 g
  • Sodium 9g

Potential Health Benefits Of Gond Katira

Keep The Body Cool /Prevent Heat Strokes

One of the amazing benefits of this herb is that it is widely used as a natural cooling agent during the summer. Gond Katira is beneficial in cooling down the system from the inside out in the sweltering heat of summer. Gond Katira is a key ingredient used to make many refreshing drinks like shikanji, milkshakes, ice cream etc. Having this natural coolant daily during summer can lower the risk of heat strokes and maintain your overall health. Furthermore, it controls nose-bleeding issue that develops in children during hot summers.

Also Read: Sharbat: Relish These Summer Coolants To Beat Heat, Recipes And Health Benefits

Promotes Liver Health

The liver is the vital organ in the human body that is responsible for the proper functioning of more than 300 bodily processes. Since it is the hardest-functioning organ in the body, it is easily prone to damage due to several factors like alcohol overuse and poor eating habits. Gond Katira is a natural medicine that helps to clear the toxins from the blood and keeps the liver healthy and enhances liver function.

Supports Digestion

Bestowed with ample amounts of dietary fibre, Gond Katira is an amazing herb that stimulates digestive function and treats gut problems. It contains several enzymes needed for a smooth digestion process and regularises bowel movements. The purgative nature of this herb acts as a natural remedy for several gut-related problems like constipation and diarrhoea. In addition, it is also helpful for stimulating intestinal movements in the system.

Bolsters Immune System

Being a storehouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, Gond Katira strengthens the immune system and keeps infections at bay. It also aids in nerve cell recovery and regeneration and keeps flu, colds, coughs, and infections under control. Also, some studies have disclosed that the anti-cancer trait of Gond Katira slows down the formation of cancer cells.

Also Read: Amla: Benefits, Uses For Hair and Health Conditions, Supplements And Recipes

Gond Katira For Weigh Loss

Gond Katira works as a natural supplement that promotes weight loss and helps you lose extra kilos. Being intrinsically rich in dietary fibre, it offers the body energy, boosts metabolism and helps in burning calories. Regular addition of this ingredient aids in reducing unwanted hunger pangs and keeps you satiated for a longer time.

Glowing Skin

Adding Gond Katira as part of a healthy diet regimen is immensely valuable for the skin, as it is a natural laxative and prebiotic. Apart from this, amazing anti-ageing components and antioxidants in Gond Katira aid in cleansing the blood vessels, regenerating dead skin cells and making the skin look radiant and blemish-free devoid of dark spots, blackheads, wrinkles etc.


  • Mix Gond Katira with water to make refreshing drinks, lemonade, milkshakes etc
  • Make a fine paste of this ingredient and apply it on burns to heal the wounds
  • Used as a thickening agent while making sauces and other dishes to add extra texture to food
  • Have Gond Katira with milk to get a sound sleep

Gond Katira Side Effects

 Though it offers a multitude of benefits, there are some side effects if not consumed in moderate amounts and in the right way. If you don’t have it with enough water, there are chances of causing blockages in the digestive tract. After having this coolant, you should drink plenty of water to avoid suffocation issues. As it is obtained from locoweed plants, test it by eating in minimal amounts and see if it causes any allergic reactions. In people with breathing problems, it is best to avoid it in any form.

 Liver health and Immunity package