How many times have you noticed chunks of hair strands attached to your hairbrush right after detangling your hair? We don’t even want to answer that as the count may just startle you to the core! It’s a literal dream of women to flaunt a tangle-free gorgeous mane and envision the absence of hair strands on the comb after brushing hair. But does that happen in real life? Actually, it does but requires a little TLC from your end and the magic of natural ingredients to flaunt the hair of your dreams.

Hair loss is one of the most common hair woes that people experience irrespective of their gender during the sweltering summer months. The excessive humidity in the air can block the hair follicles, make the scalp oily and sticky, and attract germs and other environmental pollutants to the root. This causes the microbes to feed off the nutrition from the hair strands making the hair dull, and limp, increasing dandruff and ultimately leading to hair fall and breakage of hair strands from in between.

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As too much hair wash using shampoo every day might cause more harm than good as it can strip off the natural moisture of the scalp, what comes to your help are natural herbal solutions. These hair solutions not only clean the scalp and eliminate microbes but also boost blood circulation, regenerate hair follicles and prevent hair fall. Cue in, Hair Rinse, the natural go-to remedy to all your hair woes.

So, What Exactly Is A Hair Rinse?

A Hair Rinse is nothing out of the blue, but a simple blend of natural ingredients, essential oils or herbs infused in clear tap water that bequeaths your mane with a boost of ultimate nourishment. Not only does it moisturize the hair shaft, regulate pH balance of the scalp and control sebum production but also enhances hair growth, and fights hair problems like dandruff, scalp infections, hair fall and breakage to providing you with a shiny, gorgeous, frizz-free mane.

Also Read: Bid Adieu To Scalp Acne: 3-Step Soothing DIY Hair Care Regime For Gorgeous Locks

All you need to do is apply the hair rinse after shampooing and conditioning your hair and just towel-dry the hair and detangle it when dry.

Note: Do not wash the hair after pouring the hair rinse as this allows the benefits of the ingredients to seep into the hair.

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A Hair Rinse is nothing out of the blue, but a simple blend of natural ingredients, essential oils or herbs infused in clear tap water that bequeaths your mane with a boost of ultimate nourishment

Foray through this infographic to find a curated list of five homemade hair rinses solutions to embark on the path of flaunting smooth, soft ravishing hair right away!

Hair Rinse