Moringa oleifera also called drumstick tree, horseradish tree, and ben oil tree is a versatile plant that is native to India. Every part of the trees be it leaves, flowers, long seed pods and roots is edible, offering numerous health benefits. In traditional Indian medicines, drumstick is valued for its notable range of therapeutic properties – antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory.

Drumstick, leaves, flowers and seeds in a bowl

Nutrition Facts

Moringa leaves and pods are a nutritional storehouse with a good amount of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It contains remarkable amounts of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1(thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6(folate), and vitamin C. Its wealth of minerals includes calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Moringa leaves contain three times more iron than spinach.

These slender, long, green sticks with seed pods offer a rich meld of powerful antioxidants such as kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, zeatin, quercetin, rutin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-sitosterol.

Look at some of the amazing benefits of moringa

1.     Promotes Liver Health

Moringa extracts are effective in protecting the liver against the damage caused due to anti-tubercular drugs and aids in speeding up the recovery process. The presence of phytochemicals such as catechin, epicatechin, ferulic acid and Vitamin C in moringa is recognized for its protective effect.

2.     Treats Edema

Moringa extract is potent in treating edema, a painful condition where fluid accumulates in specific tissues in the body. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of moringa are effective in preventing edema and evidence proves moringa is equally potent with medicine indomethacin in the treatment of such painful conditions.

3.     Digestive Health

Moringa extracts treat digestive disorders such as constipation, gastritis and ulcerative colitis. The antibiotic and antibacterial properties of moringa slow down the growth of Helicobacter pylori and coliform bacteria. The notable content of B vitamins in moringa leaves aids digestion and converts food into energy rather than storing it as fat.

4.     Combats bacterial attack

The strong antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties of moringa extracts fight against infection caused by foodborne microorganisms such as Salmonella, Rhizopus, and E. coli. Thus, moringa extract acts as a perfect remedy for sanitation and preservation process.

5.     Healthy Bones

The richness of calcium and phosphorus in moringa extracts works best for maintaining healthy bones. The anti-inflammatory properties are effective in treating painful conditions such as arthritis and heals bone ailments such as mandibular or jaw bone fracture.

6.     Protects Cardiovascular System

Moringa extracts are a powerhouse of antioxidants that is potential in preventing myocardial infarction. Evidence proves cardioprotective and antiperoxidative effects of moringa in slowing down lipid peroxidation in the myocardial tissue and aids in maintaining a healthy heart.

7.     Promotes kidney health

Moringa extracts are effective in preventing stones in kidneys, bladder and uterus. It also aids in the reduction of stone formation and lowers the urinary oxalate levels. Evidence proves that moringa act as an effective bio-absorbent and helps in the removal of heavy metals and harmful toxins.

8.     Balances blood sugar levels

The chlorogenic acid and isothiocyanates in moringa have shown to help control blood sugar levels and aid the cells to release glucose as needed and function as a natural antidiabetic.

9.    Nourishes the skin

Moringa possesses strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds that shields the skin from several forms of infections that include: reducing athlete’s foot, lowers inflammation associated with acne breakouts, treats pockets of abscesses, getting rid of dandruff, and heals bites, burns, viral warts and wounds. Moringa oil acts as a lubricant and hydrates the skin by restoring its natural moisture barrier.

10.  Promotes Brain health and stabilize your mood

The abundance of protein and essential amino acids tryptophan in moringa benefits neurotransmitter functions that produce the feel-good hormone serotonin. The richness of antioxidants improves the thyroid health which makes it helpful for maintaining high energy levels and fights fatigue, depression, low libido, mood swings and insomnia.