Be it presiding over a meeting, going grocery-shopping, enjoying an evening out, fetching clothes from the laundry, or hiking out to someplace, the legs are the most used part throughout the day and we are continuously trotting on our foot to accomplish daily activities. By the time, we reach home they simply get tired and just like anybody else needs some ‘me’ time. Even though we take out time to take care of the face by applying some mask, or the lips by putting on some balm or apply some body scrub to get rid of tan, little do we realize that our feet often get overlooked due to other priorities. 

Heal Cracked Soles and Moisturize Feet With Our Wide-Range Of Foot Care Essentials!

Throughout the day, our feet carry our body weight everywhere we go, help us to express our style statement by getting cramped up in some fancy yet uncomfortable shoes and endure enough hardships like cracked heels, shoe bites, corns, calluses and even blisters and shin splints. Unlike the skin sheathing our whole body, the skin of the feet doesn’t have oil glands and hence are unable to produce sebum to keep the soles of the feet moisturized. Additionally, owing to the constant pressure, the soles of the feet gets hardened and cracks. Also Read: 5 Excellent Kitchen Remedies For Cracked Heels

Want To Know What Else Causes Cracked Foot?

  • Poor blood circulation
  • Skin problems like psoriasis or eczema
  • Gait of a person
  • Fungal infections
  • Nutritional deficiencies, especially zinc or omega-3 deficiency

Well, now that we know the several factors that lead up to cracked heels, this Independence Day, let’s get freedom from all the woes we suffer due to several foot problems, owing to the plenty of hardships we unknowingly put them into and swear to tend more to them. 
freedom from cracked heels

With all the parlours closed due to the restrictive lockdown, most of us have learned to do pedicure right at home. But after all the washing and exfoliating, one essential step is moisturization. Call it cream, lotion, moisturizer, or salve, these foot care essentials are made of such ingredients that not only nourish and hydrate the skin of the foot but also helps in healing cracked soles.         

Well, without further ado, lets size up the cracked situation by whisking these foot salves, free of chemicals, with natural ingredients right at home.                                         

Home Made Foot Salve Recipes

Milk And Honey Hydrating Foot Salve


3 tbsp cold milk

1 cup honey

¼ cup orange juice

3 – 4 drops vanilla essence

2-3 tbsp almond oil


Put the milk and honey in a vessel and warm it up on a low flame. 

While stirring, add the orange juice and almond oil to it.

Take it off the flame and allow it cool.

After cooling add the vanilla essence and give it a stir.

Pour the cream in a container and refrigerate it for future use.

Apply this on washed feet every night before going off to sleep.

Keep it on for an hour and then wash off with cool water.

How It Works:

Honey is known for its healing properties and helps to heal cracked foot and moisturizes the skin. Milk enhances the skin glow and texture and nourishes it from within. While orange juice prevents bacterial infection, almond oil soothes dry skin and ensures soft smooth feet. Last but not the least, the vanilla essence adds an enticing aroma to the foot cream. Use it on alternate days, to heal cracked feet.

Cocoa Butter And Tea-tree Oil Moisturizing Foot Salve


½ cup cocoa butter

½ cup olive oil

12 drops tea tree oil

10 drops peppermint oil

20 grams beeswax


Melt the beeswax in a double boiler.

Slowly add, olive oil and cocoa butter to it.

Lastly, add both the essential oils after switching off the flame.

Cool the mixture and pour it in a container.

Apply it on clean feet, wear socks and keep it on overnight.

Store the remaining amount in the refrigerator for future use.

How It Works:

Cocoa butter is a well-known ingredient for moistening and nourishing dry and peeling skin. Massaging the foot with olive oil increases blood circulation and helps in the regeneration of new skin cells whereas both the essential oils prevent bacterial infection and inflammation of the cracked skin. Use it daily to get soft smooth heels within a week. Also Read: Cocoa Butter: 5 Astonishing Reasons Why You Need To Use This Chocolaty Skin Care Product
diy salves

Coconut Oil And Shea Butter Nourishing Foot Salve


½ cup shea butter

¾ cup coconut oil

3 tbsp beeswax

10 drops of lavender essential oil

3 Vitamin E capsules


Melt both shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler.

Add coconut oil and lavender essential oil to it.

Crack open the vitamin E capsules and add the oil to the mixture.

Gently whisk everything together into a homogeneous mixture and pour it in a container.

Apply on cleaned and scrubbed foot before going to bed and keep it overnight.

Store the remaining mixture in a refrigerator.

How It Works:

Shea butter enriched with Vitamin E and A holds high significance to maintain healthy and nourished skin. Coconut oil helps soften the skin and deeply moisturizes it to prevent dry and cracked heels. Lavender essential oil not only bestows an invigorating aroma to the foot salve but also speeds up healing of cracked foot and prevents bacterial infection.