Hyperacidity is a very common gastrointestinal ailment reported by men and women of all age groups, wherein the stomach produces vast amounts of acids primarily composed of hydrochloric acid. Also referred to as acid dyspepsia, high levels of stomach acid invariably trigger pain in the abdomen along with bloating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and several other gut issues.

In a normal, healthy individual, the lining of the stomach synthesizes and secretes hydrochloric acid to aid in the digestion of food and this key bodily function is regulated by endocrine hormones and the nervous system. However, at times, owing to poor lifestyle, underlying ailments, or intake of specific medications, the tissues of the stomach lining make large volumes of hydrochloric acid, which presents as hyperacidity/acid dyspepsia.
Acid Dyspepsia

What Causes Hyperacidity?

A spectrum of factors gives rise to hyperacidity, including:

  • Consuming junk, sugary, salty, spicy foods often and untimely meals
  • Fasting for a prolonged duration
  • Lack of sleep and rest for the body
  • Mental stress, tension, anxiety
  • Sedentary habits with no regular physical exercise
  • Smoking
  • Excess intake of alcohol
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic disorders like obesity, diabetes, hypertension
  • Intake of certain types of prescription medicines
  • Bacterial infection in the stomach, such as issues induced by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori
  • Tumors in the gut that block the passages in the stomach and intestines
  • Kidney problems

What Are The Symptoms Of Hyperacidity?

The characteristic signs accompanying hyperacidity consist of:

  • Heartburn
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Mild discomfort in the chest
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Bloating and flatulence
  • Irritation in the throat
  • Frequent episodes of belching and burping

What Are The Complications And Side Effects Of Hyperacidity?

The causes of hyperacidity must be identified and pertinent remedial measures must be followed to treat the signs of hyperacidity. If the instance of acid dyspepsia occurs frequently and becomes quite severe, it results in a host of gut-related illnesses and side effects, such as:

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease):

GERD is an extensively experienced side effect of hyperacidity. Known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, it is a condition wherein the surplus acid secretions traverse back in the reverse direction into the esophagus i.e. food pipe. If food particles are combined with acidic fluids, then these get lodged in the esophagus, blocking the tubular pathways and posing difficulties in swallowing. Moreover, GERD also increases the risk of esophagitis – inflammation of the esophagus, as well as Barrett’s esophagus  - that triggers abnormal modifications in the cells, and tissues of the esophagus, both of which considerably raise the risk of cancer.

Also Read: GERD: 5 Unusual Symptoms Of This Digestive Disorder You Should Never Ignore

Peptic Ulcers:

Peptic ulcers refer to sores formed on the tissues of the esophagus, stomach, or intestines, known as esophageal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers respectively. Apart from damaging the tissues lining the gut, peptic ulcers instigate constant aching in the abdomen and heartburn, which in turn lowers appetite, resulting in weight loss, fatigue, and passing excessive amounts of gas from the system.

Bleeding In The Gastric Tract:

Owing to infection, inflammation, lifestyle factors, medications, or underlying health anomalies that prompt hyperacidity, the tissues in the digestive system face damage that leads to bleeding. This induces intense pain, and discomfort, along with bleeding in the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and lower gastrointestinal parts of the rectum and anus as well.


When the patient experiences frequent signs of hyperacidity – more than two times in one week, then remedial measures beyond prescription medications and antacids are required to effectively treat the same. The healthcare provider then conducts a set of diagnostic assays to confirm the nature and severity of the underlying health anomaly. These include:

  • Barium Swallow - to check for narrowing of the esophagus/food pipe
  • Esophageal Manometry - to study the functioning and flexibility of movement of the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter muscles
  • pH Monitoring – to gauge the acid-base balance and concentrations of acids in the esophagus
  • Gastroscopy/Upper Endoscopy – to view the internal tissues of the esophagus and stomach during which time, a biopsy of the tissues may be done to identify if there is any inflammation or infection in the upper gastric tract

Also Read: Gastroscopy: Procedure, Risks And Results


Minor cases of hyperacidity can be managed with home remedies and healthy lifestyle modifications. These comprise eating smaller portions during meals consisting of wholesome foods, fruits, vegetables, and nuts and ingesting food more frequently throughout the day. Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption, sleeping well at night, exercising regularly, and losing surplus body fat instances of overweight or obesity also help in relieving symptoms of acid dyspepsia. In addition, home remedies of chewing gum, drinking herbal teas limiting caffeine intake, oily sugary junk foods, and steering clear of a very high-carb, high-fat diet are proven ways to manage hyperacidity.

When simple home remedies do not aid in tackling acidity, the doctor gives prescription/over-the-counter medications. Antacids are specifically fabricated drugs that help to decrease acid production in the stomach and strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter muscles to facilitate smooth digestion processes and prevent acid reflux/heartburn.

In very severe cases of hyperacidity, surgery is required to prevent frequent regurgitation of stomach acids back into the esophagus and throat. Procedures involve placing devices within the esophagus's lower portion or sealing the stomach's upper segment to avert backward flow of peptic acids and effectively reverse hyperacidity in the patient, for normal digestive functions and optimal gut health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Dyspepsia?

The most common cause of dyspepsia is functional dyspepsia which is linked to stress, diet, and gastrointestinal issues in some patients.

What Foods Cause Dyspepsia?

Foods that can cause dyspepsia are fatty and spicy, chocolate, caffeine, and carbonated beverages.

Can Dyspepsia Be Cured?

While dyspepsia can often be managed effectively, a complete cure only depends on the underlying cause of the ailment.

What Is The Fastest Way To Cure Dyspepsia?

Over-the-counter antacids, H2 blockers, or proton pump inhibitors can bring relief from dyspepsia but may not work in the long term. Only lifestyle changes can help in the long run.

Can I Drink Milk With Dyspepsia?

Milk may provide temporary relief, but milk can also stimulate acid production. However, this may worsen the symptoms later.

What Fruit Is Good For Dyspepsia?

Bananas and apples are generally good choices. They are easy-to-digest fruits.

Is Banana Good For Dyspepsia?

Yes, banana fruit is gentle on the stomach and can help neutralize acidity.

Does Drinking Water Help Dyspepsia?

Drinking water can help dilute stomach acid and may aid digestion, providing relief to some people.

Is Lemon Water Good For Dyspepsia?

Lemon water may give instant relief to some people, but it can increase acidity and aggravate symptoms for most people.

Does Walking Help Dyspepsia?

Gentle walking can aid digestion and relieve symptoms by promoting movement in the gastrointestinal tract.

Are Eggs Good For Dyspepsia?

Eggs are generally easy to digest and can be a good source of protein for those who have chronic dyspepsia.

Is Yogurt Good For Dyspepsia?

Yogurt with probiotics can be beneficial for gut health and may help alleviate symptoms.

Is Honey Good For Dyspepsia?

Honey has soothing properties and may help reduce inflammation in the stomach lining due to dyspepsia.

Does Heat Help Dyspepsia?

Applying heat to the abdomen can help relax muscles and alleviate discomfort- a common symptom of dyspepsia.

(This article is reviewed by Soumita Basu, Ayurveda Pharma Expert)

Author Profile: Preeti Sharma

Preeti Sharma has a master’s in electronic media and mass communication and certification in short-term writing from Florida. With close to a decade of experience, she specializes in crafting engaging blogs on beauty, veterinary care, and healthy cooking. Preeti is proficient in video editing tools and produces captivating and informative content across multiple platforms.


A bird's view on Ayurvedic management of Hyperacidity

Soubhagya R. Japal



  1. W. Rolph, M.A., M.D.
