Do you have a habit of removing the make-up with a bunch of wet tissues or directly go for the face wash once you are back home? If you think you can get away by taking a short cut, well think again! Be it wet wipes or face wash, none of them completely removes the makeup. And with even minute quantities of chemical residue lingering on your face, you are literally dooming the health of your skin by inviting unwanted baggage in the form acne, pimples, fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone etc.

Also Read: 3 DIY Facial Cleansers To Shield Skin From Pollutants In The Air

DIY Facial cleansers

Well, we get you ladies, you might love applying make-up to highlight your best features or cover-up those pesky blemishes, but it is equally pivotal to remove each and every layer in a proper way. You might be incredibly exhausted from the long work day or the big party you attended, but removing all traces of makeup before going to bed is one skin-care tip that you should never forego.

(Save Time And Get Readymade Make-Up Removers For Instant Make-Up Removal, Buy Here, Today!)

It’s true, that the market is flooding with readymade make-up removers which are easier to use due to time constraints and are also travel friendly. But if you have sensitive skin, some of these store-bought make-up removers can be quite irritating and allergic towards the skin and ultimately strip away the natural oils making the skin dry and chapped. And to this, when you add some physical rubbing and tugging to the mix, especially around the delicate eye area, it can be super abrasive and lead to fine lines.

So, not only is it important to find the right makeup remover that suits your skin but also ensure that it serves as per your need. Well, we got you covered, the next time you get on with your makeup removal regime, if you have some time at your hands, try these homemade make-up removers which are a cost-effective and natural way to bequeath yourself with crystal-clear, radiant complexion.

Homemade Make-Up Removers

Aloe Vera-Witch Hazel For Oily Skin


1 tbsp aloe vera gel

2 tbsp witch hazel

2 tbsp jojoba oil

2 drops tea tree essential oil


Add all the ingredients in a glass bottle.

Shake it slightly to mix everything.

Use a damp cotton ball or sponge to apply the make-up remover onto your face.

Now gently wipe away the make-residue.

How It Works:

This make-up remover is extremely beneficial for people with oily skin. While aloe vera gel moisturizes and soothes the skin, witch hazel gets rid of excess sebum production. The addition of jojoba oil prevents infections while tea tree oil works wonder in reducing and treating acne and pimples.

Olive Oil-Rose Water For Dry Skin

Olive Oil-Rose Water for dry skin


½ cup extra-virgin coconut oil

1 bottle rose water

3 tbsp almond oil

5 drops of lavender essential oil


Mix the oils together in the bottle.

Use a funnel to pour rose water inside the bottle.

Now gently shake to mix everything.

Use a moistened cotton ball to gradually remove the cosmetic residue.

How It Works:

Both coconut and almond oil are extremely beneficial to remove the make-up without stripping away the natural oils from the face. It also removes dirt and grime particle and keeps the pores open and breathable. While lavender essential oil is pivotal for soothing dry skin and preventing blemishes, rose water reduces skin puffiness and improves the complexion.

Also Read: Aromatic Rose Water For Health And Beauty Benefits

Green Tea-Glycerin For Combination Skin


1 cup of brewed matcha green tea

½ tbsp vegetable glycerin

1 tbsp grape-seed oil

5 drops of orange essential oil


Mix the ingredients in a pump bottle.

Spritz it onto your face.

Use a cotton ball to gently wipe away the make-up from the face.

How It Works:

This make-up remover works magic for combination skin type people. While green tea scales down sebum production and protects the skin against inflammation, the presence of grape-seed oil boosts collagen formation and brightens your skin tone. The addition of glycerin moisturizes the face, whereas orange essential oil wards off infections, diminishes blemishes and fine lines while bestowing you with ravishing skin.