Copper is not only a metallic element that is found in large deposits in mountainous soil mines on earth, but is also an essential trace mineral for carrying out numerous operations in the human body. It plays a crucial part in fundamental biochemical pathways of glucose and cholesterol metabolism. Moreover, copper facilitates several processes of energy generation, collagen protein production, bone formation and coordinates with iron, to ensure healthy red blood cell synthesis.

Also Read: Iron: Functions, Food Sources, Supplements, Deficiency And Toxicity
Functions and Toxicity of Copper

Since it cannot be produced intrinsically by the bodily tissues in the system, copper must be provided externally through diet and in very specific situations of chronic ailments, from supplements. Umpteen plant and animal foods are very rich in copper and once ingested, the metal is present in the form of copper ions bound to amino acid chains, as active enzymes. The amount of copper stored in the body is rather small, between 50 to 120 milligrams, with the majority being concentrated in the brain, kidneys, skeletal muscles, heart and liver. An elaborate mechanism to maintain optimal copper levels in bloodstream exists, wherein the trace mineral is absorbed by intestines and released from the liver, following which surplus amounts are excreted via the bile fluids. In this manner, the deleterious effects owing to copper deficiency and toxicity are averted, in otherwise healthy individuals.

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Being very important for key roles in energy metabolism, brain aptitude, neurotransmitter tasks, antioxidant and defence mechanisms, insufficient copper consumption in the diet invariably leads to several deficiency disorders. Also, copper above the safe upper limit must not be consumed, to avert harmful consequences and promote overall wellbeing.


Copper contributes to many central processes in the human body, thereby augmenting both physical fitness and mental wellness. Some of the vital functions of copper include:

Adjoining with proteins to form metalloenzymes known as cuproenzymes, to facilitate energy production, neuron activation and synthesis of bones, connective tissues

Incorporating with bioactive constituents in the bloodstream to result in ceruloplasmin (CP), a carrier and transport protein, which is crucial for iron metabolism, distribution and absorption in bodily cells, tissues

Integrating as a key component of superoxide dismutase enzymes, which portray powerful antioxidant traits, for safeguarding cells from oxidative damage by toxins, harmful free radicals

Carrying out the vital role of maintaining the body’s structural proteins – collagen and elastin, which enrich skin texture and elevate heart wellness

Helping strengthen bones, joints and increasing bone mineral density, to lower the risk of debilitating illnesses like osteoporosis and arthritis

Regulating blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, by ensuring proper glucose, lipid metabolism and decreasing the chances of acquiring chronic conditions of hypertension, diabetes

Preserving smooth relay of signals between nerves, to ensure optimal brain functions and responses across all organs in the body

Controlling fundamental biological processes of new blood vessel formation or angiogenesis, gene expression in cells, tissues, neurological development, neurohormone production and pigment compounds i.e.  melanin secretion

Contributing to adequate white blood cells within the system, to support immunity, keep seasonal illnesses and infectious diseases due to bacteria, viruses at bay

Also Read: Grandma’s Wisdom: Use Copper Vessels To Beat Bacteria

Food Sources:

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of copper is set at approximately 900 micrograms per day for healthy adults and adolescents with otherwise normal growth patterns. Pregnant and lactating women require higher concentrations of copper, with at least 1300 micrograms from dietary sources per day.

Copper is found in a multitude of foods, derived from both plants and animals. Some dietary sources rich in the trace mineral are:

Seafood including oysters, different kinds of shellfish

Whole grains like wheat, bran, oats

Fruits consisting of dried plums i.e prunes, figs

Vegetables such as dark leafy greens – kale, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes

Meat products like kidneys, liver

Nuts and seeds encompassing sunflower seed kernels, almonds, cashews

Cocoa in chocolate, millets, legumes


Copper deficiency, referred to as hypocupremia in medical terms, is quite rare in most healthy individuals. Yet, those suffering from genetic irregularities, central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities and ingesting excessive concentrations of zinc, vitamin C are more prone to health anomalies arising from lack of adequate copper in the body.

The latter is because the essential nutrients zinc, vitamin C compete with copper for absorption by the intestinal cells, tissues, thereby lowering the assimilation of requisite amounts of copper. Specific metabolic disorders such as Menkes disease also hamper copper assimilation in the brain.

The symptoms of copper deficiency include fatigue, anaemia, discolouration in the skin, thyroid complications and weakness in bones.


The safe upper limit of copper consumption on a daily basis is 10,000 micrograms or 10 milligrams, for fit adults over the age of 19 years.

When copper quantities exceed this amount, minor symptoms of nausea, vomiting, with a bitter metallic taste lingering in the mouth occur. Other indications comprise headaches, dizziness and body pain, exhaustion.

Severe cases of copper toxicity happen only in seldom circumstances, eventually triggering liver problems like cirrhosis, jaundice, as well as red blood cell aberrations and cardiac ailments.

It is hence important to seek advice from a medical professional before taking copper supplements or diets overloaded with the mineral and make sure to consume only the required dosage, thus avoiding the injurious effects to health and guaranteeing complete wellness.

Who Needs Copper Supplement?

As per the Annals of Haematology, individuals with adequate levels of iron can still be prone to anaemic. If blood work results show you’re not getting sufficient copper, your healthcare provider may recommend you take supplements to correct the deficiency.

Copper supplements are readily available as pills and capsules. It is also given intravenously or via veins. Remember not to have copper and zinc supplements at the same time; these supplements should be taken at least 2 hours apart.

Also, the body does not need too much copper, but your health may take a toll when the levels are low. You may need higher amounts as you age.

 The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for copper is - 2mg/day.

Source: Indian Council of Medical Research


Copper plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Most individuals get enough copper from the food they eat. However, people suffering from certain conditions like Crohn’s disease or those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery may be prone to copper deficiency.

Not taking adequate copper in the body is more common than having too much copper. Copper toxicity can cause lead to several medical problems as well, including liver damage or heart and kidney failure. So, ensure you get sufficient copper, but not too much. Discuss with your healthcare provider if you observe any copper deficiency or toxicity symptoms.


Risks and benefits of copper in light of new insights of copper homeostasis, Daniel López de Romaña 1, Manuel Olivares, Ricardo Uauy, Magdalena Araya

Copper in human health, January 2007International Journal of Environment and Health 1(4) ,DOI:10.1504/IJENVH.2007.018578

Magdalena Araya -University of Chile, Manuel Olivares - University of Chile and Fernando Pizarro -University of Chile


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