What are those small, skin-coloured or darker-coloured papules all over your cheeks and forehead? Have you noticed that whatever you do they just don’t seem to budge. Are they pimples or milk spots? Whatever they may be, they aren’t doing any good to your beauty game, rather making it difficult to pose for a perfect, blemish-free shot!

Well, these skin-coloured bumps are nothing unusual, but a form of acne known as Comedonal Acne!

Acne cannot be described as a one-size-fits-all condition, it exists on a much broader spectrum. While on one end, you have cystic acne (bigger and more painful acne filled with pus) that cannot be treated without medical intervention, on the other, you have a relatively milder version and easily treatable comedonal acne.

So, What Exactly Is Comedonal Acne?

Comedonal Acne can be described as a skin condition marked with small, skin or darker-coloured acne papules that primarily develop on the forehead and the chin, and sometimes on the cheeks as well. The pores in the case of comedonal acne are usually plugged with oil, dirt, and dead skin cells.

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The two most common forms of comedonal acne are blackheads and whiteheads. When the dirt and oil plugs are exposed to air, they get oxidized and turn black, resulting in blackheads. And, when these plugs are set deeper into the skin surface and are white in tone, you get whiteheads.

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Types of Comedonal Acne

While larger comedones are usually referred to as giant blackheads or giant comedones, whiteheads are the closed ones and termed macro-comedones. The ones which are barely visible but appear as very minute bumps to the touch are termed micro-comedones. And the ones which are caused by excessive sun exposure, are known as Solar comedones or Senile comedones.

Causes Of Comedonal Acne

Comedonal acne primarily occurs when the sebaceous ducts or the hair follicles on the skin surface get blocked with dirt, debris, and sebum. While anyone can develop comedonal acne at any point in time, certain factors that increase the risk of this condition include oily skin (overactive sebaceous glands), hormonal imbalance, improper skin care routine, usage of comedogenic skincare essentials, skin treatments like laser therapy or chemical peels, a diet high in sugar and fats and heredity.

Even though comedonal acne is nothing too serious to stress about, to risk another fine line on your forehead, it might worsen if not dealt with, on time. If the skin around the acne is made worse, partially due to excessive exfoliation or wrong usage of products or simply scratching, they can gradually turn into fully inflamed blemishes, leaving behind scar tissue in its wake.

So, without further ado talk to a skincare expert if you have inflammatory comedonal acne, but in case you have a milder version, these non-comedogenic skincare essentials might just be your magical elixir.

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We bring you a list of OTC treatment options that work wonderfully in treating comedonal acne and bequeath you with blemish-free, radiant skin naturally.

Glycolic Acid

Being a well-known form of Alpha Hydroxy Acid or AHA, Glycolic acid cleans the pores from the inside and gently exfoliates the top layers of the skin, including comedones. It actively helps with sebum regulation and inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria on the skin which in turn evens out the skin tone and gives you a radiant glow.

Salicylic Acid

A type of BHA or Beta Hydroxy Acid, this skincare essential remains one of the first lines of defence to combat comedonal acne. It is mostly obtained from the residues of bushes, and shrubs, and can be synthetically manufactured as well. It is generally fat-loving or lipophilic and seeps inside the oil-producing glands to unclog pores from inside. It primarily works by destroying the bacteria causing acne while also lessening the inflammation or redness associated with it.

Note: Avoid using salicylic acid if you are using retinol unless asked by a doctor as it may irritate the skin.

Also Read: Chemical Exfoliants: Magnificent Beauty Incentives Of AHA And BHA For Crystal Clear Skin

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide is also one of the most effective topical treatments for comedones. It can be easily found as over-the-counter medication, in the form of a gel, face wash, cream, lotion, and soap.‌ The dominant anti-bacterial trait of benzoyl peroxide usually works by killing the bacteria on the skin surface, drying out active blemishes and peeling away scar tissue to diminish post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.


Retinoids are mostly vitamin A derivatives that extensively help in skin cell turnover or cellular regeneration. Sanctified with firming, exfoliating and purifying qualities, retinoids are a super genie for your skin; minimizing wrinkles, and fine lines, treating acne, and inflammation, boosting collagen production, fading pigmentation, dark spots, and scars, to reveal a younger, blemish-free complexion. Since retinoids help in synthesizing new cells which are prone to solar damage, it is necessary to pair them with a suitable sunscreen.

Note: Avoid mixing retinol with vitamin C as it can lead to adverse reactions


A derivative of vitamin B3, Niacinamide is a wonderful skincare ingredient excellent at controlling the excessive production of sebum. The abundance of anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, antioxidant, and skin-brightening qualities in Niacinamides help in arresting the ageing signs, clearing blackheads and whiteheads, soothing inflammation and redness, brightening skin complexion, preventing oxidative stress and sun damage to bestow you with clearer, radiant skin.

Note: OTC treatments for comedonal acne usually take about 2-3 months to see visible results