The power of the human brain is immeasurable, as the control centre of the body, it allows the heart to beat, lungs to breathe and lets you move, feel, and think. It is an energy-intensive organ, that uses around 20% of the body’s calories. Preserving brain health is essential for uplifting overall physical and mental well-being. It is vital to keep the brain fuelled with plentiful nutrient-rich foods to sustain its ultimate performance. The food you eat plays a key role in sustaining brain health and functions. Eating a wholesome brain-boosting diet can help in improving specific mental tasks like memory and attentiveness and it also keeps the brain sharp even as you age.

Also Read: The MIND Diet: Here’s Why You Should Eat These Top 10 Foods For Brain Health And Memory

Seeds Are The Best Brain Food:

Mighty seeds are valued as a superfood that packs chock full of nutrients your brain needs for energy, concentration, mood, sleep and to avert memory loss. Adding seeds as a part of a meal plan has a positive impact on your overall mental well-being.

Seeds are so nutritious, inexpensive, and versatile, that they make a healthy addition to even the most restrictive diet. Seeds are heaped with essential B complex vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folate and vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc. While it is an abundant source of essential amino acids that are building blocks of brain cells and repair muscles. Laden with healthy omega 3 fatty acids, seeds help to reduce inflammation and safeguard the brain cells from oxidative damage and averts the risk of age-related brain disorders. Furthermore, seeds are a good source of fibre that keeps you satiated, promote digestion, and improve the gut microbiome.

Also Read: Discover The Health Benefits Of Chia seeds

Brain Boosting Properties Of Seeds

Seeds are credited to possess health benefiting traits these include:

  • Memory enhancing qualities of seeds help to boost memory and concentration power
  • Neuroprotective activities of the seeds safeguard the brain cells and nerves from oxidative stress and free radical damage
  • Nootropic properties improve learning skills, reasoning, and perception of new concepts
  • Nervine nature of seeds aids to ease anxiety, depression and promotes better sleep

Seed Nutrition:


A tablespoon of flaxseed provides 2 grams of fibre and healthy omega 3 fatty acids -alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). The presence of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre helps support a diverse gut microbiome and fuels the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. These bacteria produce vital neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, dopamine, acetylcholine, and melatonin that the brain uses to control mood and cognition.

Chia Seeds

A serving of about 2 tablespoons of chia seeds offers 9 grams of healthy fat, 10 grams of fibre and 5 grams of protein. The right balance of fibre acts as pre and probiotics. The good bacteria produce serotonin and other neurotransmitters that help regulate gut-brain connection.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are power packed with plant protein, antioxidants, omega fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals. Protein is crucial for brain development and neurotransmitter function. Acetylcholine and serotonin are neurotransmitters that help nerve and brain cells to communicate and optimise brain function and mental health.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds loaded with antioxidants protect the brain cells from oxidative stress and damage. The richness of choline and selenium in sunflower seeds augments brain function and memory.

Pumpkin Seeds

The treasure trove of nutrients in pumpkin seeds including magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper are essential for optimising brain health and the nervous system.

Add these tiny seeds into your daily diet regime to boost cognitive health and keep your mind sharp.

Foray this infographic for more details.
Powerful seeds for brain health