How many times have you dreamed of being taller like the celebrities? A good height always has an added advantage to one’s personality. Being taller not only makes you look attractive but also increases your self-confidence. According to a study published in the Journal Plos Genetics, a good height is not only limited to physical advantages but also linked to higher IQ's and a more positive outlook towards life. While attaining a slim and lean bod is achievable, thanks to the buck load of weight loss programmes, exercises and yoga techniques, it is not that easy to increase height after a certain age.

Also Read: Yoga For Weight Loss: 5 Ways To Get Toned Physique
Man measuring his height

Well, the height of a person is chiefly determined by the genetic predisposition and other factors like exercise, nutrition and environmental conditions. Most people get a growth spurt during the puberty years and then it gradually stops. But contrary to popular belief, you can still attain the extra few inches even till you are 23 – 24 years old with the age-old practice of Yoga.

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Yoga primarily focusses on stretching the muscles and increasing overall flexibility which in turn help to realign and straighten the spinal cord, and improve the posture. It also regulates the metabolism of the body, cures any hormonal imbalance and activates the growth hormones, thus helping one attain height long after they have left their teenage years behind.

Also Read: Yoga Poses To Bulk Up: Spectacular Yogasanas To Gain Weight Naturally

Well, for more effective results start practicing these corrective yoga postures during the late teen or help your child practice it during the puberty to attain a tall and slim figure naturally.

Incredible Yoga Poses To Increase Height

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Stand straight on the ground, with the heels touching each other and feet slightly apart. Keep the soles grounded at all times and your hands straight on either side. Look in the forward direction and hold this position for 5 minutes. Take a minute of break and repeat 3-4 times.


Being one of the easiest yoga postures, the mountain pose holds high significance in stretching all parts of the body. The elongation or stretch triggers posture pressure which in turn stimulates the production of growth hormone. It makes the spine more flexible, and strengthens the knees, thighs, and ankles.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Stand straight while keeping your feet joined. Rest your hands on either side of the body. Slowly spread your legs apart. Lift your right hand up. Take a deep breath and bend towards your left and balance by keeping the left palm on the floor. Tilt your head upwards and fix your gaze on the right-hand fingertips and count up to 20. Repeat the posture while bending towards right. Take 1 minute of rest and continue the entire posture for two more times.


The Triangle Pose is quintessential in strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs and chest. It not only opens up the hips, stretches the hamstrings and calf muscles but also aligns the spine, improves equilibrium, corrects the body posture and relieves overall stress.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie flat on your stomach and place your head on the ground. Keep both your hands on either side of your shoulders. Slowly, put pressure on your palms and lift your body up from the torso while stretching your back and belly muscles. Straighten out your arms and keep your shoulder blades pressed against your back. Fix gaze at a point on the ceiling and hold this posture for about 15-30 seconds and exhale as you return to the starting position.


The cobra pose not only tones the abdomen but also helps stretch out the chest and lungs.  It is extremely pivotal for increasing the flexibility and stretching out the muscles of the upper back, and lower back and even helps in shedding the extra fat around the stomach.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)


Kneel on the floor, with your soles upward and legs touching the ground. While keeping hands on the hips, ensure that the knees and shoulders are aligned in a straight manner. Breathe in, and bend your back, gripping your feet with your hands for balance. Hold this posture for one minute or as long as you can, then slowly bring your back to an upright position, relaxing the legs and hands as well.


The Camel Pose is pivotal in increasing height as it effectively elongates the spine while stretching the hamstrings at one go. Not only does it protract and enhances abs in lower back and hips but also makes the spine supple while gradually increasing height over time.

Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder-Stand Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder-Stand Pose)

Lie flat on the ground with your legs laid side-by-side and both arms resting on either side of the body. Swing your legs up in such a way so that your legs, buttocks and hip is up in the air and support your body with your elbows attached to the ground. While settling into the pose, ensure that the hold your body properly keeping your legs and spine straight. Hold the pose for 30-40 secs while breathing normally. Slowly bring down your legs back to Shavasana pose and repeat 2-3 times.


Famed as the “Mother of all Poses”, the shoulder stand pose chiefly involves inversion of the body against gravity which directly exerts pressure on the pituitary and gland which helps in triggering the growth hormone and increasing height.