We all know how a small lobe of garlic can change the course of an entire meal. Be it for culinary uses, health benefits, or adding a dash of flavor to any food item, garlic (Allium Sativum) is a powerful vegetable that can impact any dish to which it is added, besides bringing a host of holistic incentives. While we all have used those white garlic bulbs all the time, have you tried the dense black ones? A flavorful version of white garlic, black garlic is much more pungent than the raw white form and is created through an extensive fermentation and aging process in which natural, white garlic bulbs are kept at high humidity for long periods, sometimes up to a month! This process changes the color, texture, and even the taste of the entire herb. Boasting umpteen health benefits, you can find black garlic bulbs, powder, and capsules online, in health food stores, and in supermarkets across the globe.

Also Read: Garlic For Immunity: Ways To Include This Pungent Spice In Your Diet To Stay Away From Seasonal Infections

The use of black garlic dates to the ancient Egyptian era. Even in India and China, black garlic cloves have been a traditional remedy for health-related issues besides being widely used as a food ingredient. And of course, we all know of it being a powerful aphrodisiac. Black garlic produces an umami flavor like tamarind and has a high concentration of antioxidants-even more than regular garlic. Despite being a tad bit higher in calories, it has good amounts of sodium, iron, and Vitamin C when compared to fresh garlic.

Also Read: Garlic: Nutrition, Uses, Health Benefits, Recipes, And Side Effects

Health Benefits Of Black Garlic

Nutritionally different from ordinary garlic, black garlic provides distinct health benefits in the following ways:

Prevents Oxidative Damage

The antioxidant properties of black garlic are many times stronger than white garlic which can have a significant impact on ageing. Oxidative damage is the main cause of aging and illness. Black garlic turns the unstable allicin component into more stable molecule which combat free radicals that can delay aging and prevent harm to the liver, blood, and kidneys as well.

Reduces Risk Of Several Chronic Diseases

Black garlic contains S-Allyl cysteine, a health-friendly compound. Including black garlic in your weekly diet can help strengthen your defenses against chronic illnesses such as heart troubles, liver disorders, dysentery, flatulence, colic issues, and rheumatism.

Increases Libido

Imbued with aphrodisiac benefits, white and black garlic have been used to enhance sex drive in males for ages. Powerful antioxidants in garlic can affect blood flow, energy, and other factors important to sexual activity.

Reduces Body Inflammation

Garlic has been adored for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It can prevent cell damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals. Antioxidant compounds such as alkaloids and bioflavonoids undergo a fermentation process and phytochemical compounds can control cell signaling and reduce inflammation.

Helps Combat Cancer Growth

Aged black garlic has neuroprotective, anti-thrombogenic, and anticancer properties that can aid in the fight against cancer by helping to slow the growth of colon cancer cells. These compounds reduce cell damage and help to control cancer cell spread in the body.

Bolsters Immunity

Garlic can protect the body against several bacterial and viral infections, allergies, and autoimmune disorders. Its immune-boosting benefits bolster immunity by fighting free radicals which enhances a stronger effect on stimulating the immune system.

Various Uses Of Black Garlic

Are you wondering how to use black garlic?  Though not a very popular ingredient in Indian cuisine, you can still incorporate it into some recipes for a delicious twist. Well, it can be used in the following ways:

In Salad Dressing: Powdered black garlic can be added to several salad dressings.

In Stir Fry Dishes: Roasted crispy black garlic heads can add flavor to many meat and vegetable stir-fry recipes.

In Stews: To add a subtly sweet, umami flavor, the powder or a minced paste of its bulbs can be used in stews.

In Condiments: Sprinkle minced black garlic on food items for an umami boost or feel free to add black garlic to condiments.

Also Read: Spice It Up: Add These Astonishing Kitchen Wonders In Your Daily Diet To Promote Overall Health-Infographic

While we have given you many ways to add black garlic to add depth and flavor to your dishes, here is a simple black garlic chutney recipe that you must try once.
main chutney pic

Black Garlic Chutney


10 cloves of black garlic or black garlic powder

1 medium-sized onion, finely chopped

2 tomatoes, chopped

2 green chilies

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tbsp oil

Black salt to taste

Chopped cilantro leaves for garnish


Peel the black garlic cloves and roughly chop them

If you are using a powder, make a paste and keep it aside

Heat oil in a pan on low heat

Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds and let them crackle

Add onion and sauté until it is brown

Add tomatoes and green chilies.

Cook until the tomatoes become soft and add salt

Now add the black garlic cloves and sauté well. At this time, you can add the paste

Let the mixture cool down

Transfer the mixture to a mixer

Blend until you achieve a smooth chutney

Transfer the chutney to a serving bowl and garnish with cilantro leaves

Black garlic chutney is now ready to be served


Black garlic is power packed with antioxidants that keep many illnesses at bay. Tomatoes have a component of lycopene, which lowers bad cholesterol and keeps blood pressure in check.

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