Athlete's foot is a fungal disease caused by dermatophyte fungi that usually begins between the toes. It generally occurs in people whose toes are very sweaty while using tight fitting shoes.  The causative fungi are superficial fungi that cause lesions on skin and on other areas like nails and scalp.

Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton are most common causative microorganisms of athlete's foot. Infection targets moist and warm skin between toes and leading to scaling and splitting. Athlete's foot may also spread across the sole of foot.

Allergies, compromised immune system and sports such as swimming increase the risk of athlete's foot.  A healthy and active immune system does not allow the Athlete’s foot to cause any other serious health problems.

In severe cases, it can cause fungal nail infection and can even affect the hands. If not treated properly, secondary bacterial infection can result in the formation of soggy and eroded skin between toes. In case of severe infections, blisters and bumps filled with pus develop along with sores and skin inflammation.

Applying Cream For Athlete's Foot Disease


  • Itchy heels
  • Reddening of skin
  • Cracked and flaky skin
  • Itching in the affected area
  • Thickening and swelling of skin

Treatment And Prevention

Treatment of Athlete’s foot includes application of anti-fungal ointments such as clotrimazole. Antibiotics are given to treat the associated secondary bacterial infections.

Keep your feet dry, especially between toes

Regularly change your socks

Wear comfortable shoes

Don’t share shoes

Use antifungal cream and powder