In today's fast-paced world, many people struggle to find time to cook and eat balanced meals, often opting for convenient fast foods that are high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. This dietary pattern significantly increases the risk of developing lifestyle-related conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

According to a World Health Organization report, around 77 million adults in India have type 2 diabetes, with nearly 25 million more at risk as prediabetics. In type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t use it effectively, making blood sugar management challenging.

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As a nutritionist, I emphasize the importance of a wholesome and balanced diet in managing diabetes. By eating nutritious foods, individuals can better control their blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications. Nuts, particularly cashews, are a great addition to a diabetic-friendly meal plan. Cashews are packed with protein, fibre, and healthy fats, making them a satisfying and nutritious snack option for those managing diabetes.

Let me tell you how cashews are helpful for diabetes management, their benefits, nutritional value, how to include them in your diet, recommended daily intake, and potential side effects.

Also Read: 5 Incredible Nuts To Boost Your Heart Health - Infographic

Nutritional Profile of Cashews

Cashews offer an impressive profile of essential nutrients. One hundred grams of cashews contain the following nutrients.

  • Calories: 553 kcal per 100 grams
  • Protein: 18 grams
  • Total Fat: 44 grams

o       Monounsaturated Fat: 23 grams

o       Polyunsaturated Fat: 8 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 30 grams

o       Dietary Fiber: 3.3 grams

o       Sugars: 6 grams

  • Magnesium: 292 mg (73% of the daily value)
  • Iron: 6.68 mg (37% of the daily value)
  • Vitamin K: 34.1 µg (43% of the daily value)

* As per the USDA, Food and Drug Administration

Also Read: Walnuts: 5 Healthy Reasons To Add This Nutritious Nuts To Your Diet-Infographic

Glycemic Index of Cashews

The glycemic index of cashew nuts is 25, which comes under the low category of GI foods that diabetic patients can safely consume. Adding cashews to a balanced diet regimen can help with weight management or avert high blood glucose levels. For instance, white bread has a glycemic index between 80-100, which can spike sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Can Diabetic Patients Eat Cashew Nut?

Cashews are bestowed with an impressive profile of nutrients that can be added to a diabetic meal regimen. Also, cashews contain monounsaturated fat which helps lower high triglyceride levels and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Recent studies have confirmed the anti-diabetic potential of cashew nut that has the power to reduce blood sugar spikes and used as a functional food element.

Do Cashews Raise Blood Sugar?

Cashews are a tree nut loaded with ample reserves of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fatty acids. Also being low in carbohydrates cashews serve as an amazing snack for people with diabetes.
eating nuts

Though they contain natural sugars, they are less likely to cause a surge in blood sugar levels. Cashews are known to control blood sugar levels due to their presence of magnesium, which helps to stimulate insulin sensitivity. Remember, as with any other food, the key mantra is cashews should be consumed in moderate amounts to reap the benefits.

Benefits of Cashews for Diabetes Management

Rich in Healthy Fats

Cashews contain an impressive amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are valued for improving cardiac health and functions. These fats can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of heart disease, a common complication in diabetes.

Dietary Fiber

The fibre content in cashews can help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. This can lead to better glycemic control and may help in managing diabetes more effectively.

Magnesium Content

The richness of magnesium in cashews holds a vital role in insulin regulation and glucose metabolism. Adding magnesium-rich foods may help improve insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Protein Power

The protein content in cashews can aid in satiety, helping to control unwanted hunger pangs and maintain a healthy weight, which is essential for diabetes management.

How to Include Cashews in Your Diet? My Recommendations:

Munch on a handful of raw or lightly roasted cashews as a healthy snack.

Sprinkle chopped cashews over salads for added crunch and nutrition.

Blend cashews into smoothies for a creamy texture and a boost of protein and healthy fats.

Spread cashew butter as a spread on whole-grain toast or as a dip for fresh fruits.

Add cashews to stir-fries, curries, or grain dishes for extra flavour and nutrients.

Potential Side Effects of Cashews

Cashews are high in calories and consuming them in large quantities can lead to weight gain, which may negatively affect diabetes management.

Cashew allergies are common and can cause severe reactions in some individuals. If you have a nut allergy, avoid cashews.

Cashews contain oxalates, which in large amounts, can contribute to kidney stones in susceptible individuals. People with kidney issues should consume cashews with caution.


Cashews can be a healthy addition to a diabetes-friendly diet when consumed in moderation. Their low glycemic index, healthy fats, and essential nutrients make them a beneficial snack for managing blood sugar levels.  It’s important to have a control on portion size to avoid excessive intake. As with any dietary change, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist to ensure cashews fit well into your overall diabetes management plan.

(This article is reviewed by Preeti Sharma, Wellness Expert)

Author Profile:

M Sowmya Binu:

With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing a wide array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.



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