Salads are an amazing sensory feel and relishing them can be one of the healthiest eating practices that one can adopt. The juicy melons or plump berries melded with colourful fruits and veggies of your choice are indeed a treat to the eyes and tummy. Drizzled with olive oil, and zesty flavours of lemon and oregano, salads are sure to entice your tastebuds. Salads boast nutrients that are good for your health and well-being. Salad accompanied by crunchy greens, nuts and seeds; makes them wholesome produce that serves as an ideal meal. Salads are not only easy to make but also pack a punch of essential vitamins and minerals to fight summer blues. 

A wholesome salad is a perfect way to boost extra nutritional needs in your meal regimen. It is chock full of phytonutrients that combat free radicals and keeps lifestyle disorders at bay. In addition, they help to meet the body’s fibre needs which is vital in uplifting gut health.

Also Read: Stay Energized With These Delicious Fruit Salad Recipes 

Fresh veggies and fruits are vital to sustaining good health status and well-being. Greens and vegetables are the perfect source of dietary fibre that aids to diminish cholesterol levels and control blood sugar. Yes, there are umpteen incentives of having salads, however, eating raw ones can be risky too. Yet not every salad is beneficial to your health, and some may have a negative impact on your health.

As vegetables that grow on the ground can be easily contaminated by bacteria. To ensure that your wholesome bowl of salad is safe and healthy to consume, we have curated simple things you need to remember while churning your bowl of salad.

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Dive into this 2-minute read to know why not every salad is healthy and tips to make it wholesome. 

Tips To Make A Nutritious Salad 

Clean Vegetables Well

Remember to wash the veggies well before peeling and cutting them when making salads at home. Lettuce, spinach or any other green salads should also be washed thoroughly before eating them raw. This will ensure that any pathogens or bacteria are cleared on the vegetables.

Never Go For Pre-Cut Salads

Salads that have been peeled, cut and kept out for a long duration can be easily contaminated by bacteria present in the atmosphere. Street food vendors serve salads like tomatoes, and onions as accompaniments to your meal. These salads are not ideal and safe for your health. Having them can upset your tummy as they may be contaminated.

Also Read: 5 Nutritious Homemade Salad Dressing Recipes For Enhanced Health -Infographic

Refrain From Having Pre-packaged Salad

These days grocery stores sell a lot of pre-made salads, have you ever wondered if they are healthy? Fresh vegetables when peeled and cut tend to spoil readily. Also, these packed ones can deplete a remarkable amount of nutrients every hour after being packed. Further, sometimes pre-made packaged salads can result in food poisoning as they may be spoiled with a mixture of gases known as a modified atmosphere.

Store Vegetables Rightly

Maintain the veggies cool, as heat can greatly contribute to the spread of bacteria. To make fresh and healthy salads it is essential to store vegetables and green in the refrigerator. Never buy vegetables that are slimy, wilt and have a foul odour.

Relish Freshly Made Salads

It is always ideal to use fresh vegetables and fruits to prepare salads. Also, peel and cut veggies, greens, or fruits just at the time of making a salad. While dining out, ensure to have a salad at a good restaurant that assures proper food hygiene, and nutrition.