Eggplant is known as the king of vegetables with an exclusive array of health benefits. It aids to build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis, promotes heart health and manages diabetes. An excellent source of dietary fibre, loaded with vitamin A, B, C and folate and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. A serving of eggplant provides just 27 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates. The eggplant is also known as aubergine, garden egg, melongene and brinjal. It is considered the most versatile and functional food. 

Eggplants in a basket

Health Benefits Of Eggplant:

Promotes Bone Health

The presence of phenolic compounds in eggplants reduces osteoporosis, increases bone mineral density and builds stronger bones. The presence of calcium and potassium in eggplants contributes to bone health and overall strength, potassium aids in the uptake of calcium, making eggplants a complete booster for osteoporosis and bone health. 

Enhances Brain Function

Eggplants are a good source of phytonutrients, that boost cognitive function and mental health. Eggplants increase the blood flow to the brain, boosting memory power and analytical thoughts. It is called brain food, as the potassium in eggplants acts as a vasodilator and a brain booster.

For A Healthy Heart

The abundance of bioflavonoids in eggplants are great for lowering blood pressure, this, in turn, lowers the strain and stress on the cardiovascular system and betters heart health. The chlorogenic compounds in eggplant known for their high antioxidant activity aids to lower LDL cholesterol.

Controls Diabetes

Eggplants are the best food for controlling diabetes, due to the presence of fibre and low amounts of soluble carbohydrates. The eggplants aids to regulate glucose and insulin activity within the body and prevent spikes in blood sugar.

Strengthens Blood Vessels

Regular intake of eggplants helps to prevent blockages in the blood vessels, due to the presence of vitamin K that strengthens blood vessels in the body.

Facilitates Weight Loss

The presence of high-water content and being low in calories, make eggplant an ideal choice for people on a weight loss regime. Additionally, being a good source of fibre, it also satiates sudden hunger pangs and keeps one full for a longer duration. It also reduces the accumulation of LDL, thereby improving metabolism and helping the body to maintain a balanced weight.

Improves Eye Health

The abundance of lutein and antioxidants in eggplant reduces the production of fluid within the eye, thereby reducing pressure and treating and managing glaucoma. Regular consumption prevents age-related macular degeneration, which is the main cause of blindness and vision impairment. It also improves blood flow in the retina, protects the nerve cells and improves vision.

Augments Skin Health

Enriched with vitamins, minerals, anthocyanins (natural plant compounds), and antioxidants, eggplant is a magical remedial food for all sorts of skin issues. Not only does it reverse the age clock and rejuvenate the skin but also improves complexion and helps it glow from within. It is also highly beneficial in treating skin problems and various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, spots, blemishes etc.