Most of us are well acquainted with the innumerable health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar a.k.a. ACV. But did you know it has extraordinary beauty benefits as well? If you hoping for blemish-free, luminant skin, it’s time to incorporate ACV in daily beauty regimen for that ravishing skin and hair.

Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar: Health Benefits For Weight Loss, Nutrition, Uses For Skin And Hair, Recipes, Side Effects

Derived from apples and concocted through the process of fermentation, this incredible pale-yellow fluid has already established a firm place in the beauty world. From being used as a mild exfoliator, toner, spot-corrector and acne and tan remover, the amazing ACV uses encompass far beyond just a weight loss ingredient. Legend has it that even Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, who was known for her exceptional looks had an intense likeness to this citrus-flavoured drink to keep up her alluring beauty.

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Derived from apples and concocted through the process of fermentation, this incredible pale-yellow fluid has already established a firm place in the beauty world.

Well, if you don’t feel like having an apple a day, do add its fermented solution, i.e. ACV to your daily beauty ritual for ravishing skin, and gorgeous hair.

Stellar Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Beauty

Thwarts Acne And Pimple

Acne and pimple

Deemed as a powerful anti-microbial agent, ACV works wonders by cleansing the facial pores to get rid of bacteria, dirt and grime particles regulating oil production thereby clearing stubborn acne and pimples. It also actively minimises pores and offers an ultimate remedy for a host of oily skin issues.

Also Read: Uneven Skin Tone? Here's How You Can Bid Adieu To Those Dark Spots For A Flawless Complexion!

How To Use?

  • Take 5 tbsp ACV, 10 tbsp water and 5-6 drops of tea tree oil and neem oil
  • Combine all the ingredients and store in a spray bottle
  • Spray this toner on cleansed face before sleep
  • Follow it for a month to get rid of acne and pimples

Remedies Sunburn

Remedies sunburn

Imbued with amino acids like arginine and glutamine, ACV not only soothes irritated and inflamed skin due to sunburns, or other skin conditions like psoriasis but also helps heal any wound faster.

How To Use?

  • Stir ½ cup ACV with 4 cups of water and 2 tbsp of coconut oil
  • Moisten a soft cotton cloth with the solution and apply it slowly to the sunburned skin
  • Caress the sunburnt skin for a while
  • Repeat this process a few times daily for a few days to heal the skin

Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells

Exfoliates dead skin cells

Thanks to the presence of malic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid, ACV confers powerful exfoliative property that helps in scourging the face and body of dead skin cells and actively promotes new cell regeneration. It also helps in reversing the various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, spots, pigmentation etc. to bestow glowing skin.

How To Use?

  • Whip 1 tsp of ACV, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of coffee, ½ cup of water and 5 tsp of granulated sugar into a coarse paste
  • Smother it all over the face and neck
  • Slowly massage your face and neck with it to remove dead skin cells
  • Wash off with lukewarm water
  • Do it twice a week to get smooth, spotless skin

Rejuvenates Your Mane

Rejuvenates hair

Apart from being a skin boon, ACV is great for your tresses too. It controls sebum secretion from the scalp and promotes blood flow which eventually enhances hair growth and prevents breakage and hair fall. Having a mild pH and anti-bacterial properties, ACV treats dandruff and other scalp infections and also adds a healthy and natural shine to your gorgeous locks.

How To Use?

  • Mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 4 tbsp water, 3 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp olive oil into a smooth paste
  • Apply this mask onto your scalp and strands by parting your hair
  • Keep it on for 10-15 minutes
  • Wash off with water generously and towel dry hair

Neutralizes Odour

neutralizes odour

The abundance of acids and antiseptic properties in ACV maintains pH balance in the body, combats bacteria and nullifies odours. Not only topical application of ACV subdues body odour but also corks down the stench of smelly feet and treats athlete’s foot.

How To Use?

  • Add 2 tbsp ACV and 2 drops each of lavender and rosemary essential oil to a cup of water
  • Pour it into a spray bottle and shake to mix everything
  • Spray it on your underarms and other sweat-prone areas to stave off body odour