From curries, lattes, rice platters, and milkshakes to ice creams, the omnipresent turmeric a.k.a haldi is everywhere and there is no denying the spectacular heath incentives turmeric renders our body with. While no Indian cuisine is complete without the addition of this humble ingredient, it also forms an integral part of the beauty genre, especially the home-bound DIYs. 

Also Read: Turmeric: 5 Splendid Wellness Incentives Of This Wonder Spice 


Well, none of us are alien to the beauty benefits this wondrous yellow powder offers. Since childhood, most people raised in an Indian household have seen their grandmothers or mothers apply the dynamic duo of haldi and chandan onto their skin for achieving a brighter complexion. Unlike other spices, the staple turmeric even has its very own tradition of getting applied to soon-to-be brides in the very joyous custom referred to as the ‘Haldi Ceremony'. This traditional affair that has been continuing for ages chiefly helps in enhancing the complexion of the bride and helps her achieve a glamorous glow on the eve of her D-day! 

Also Checkout: Turmeric: 5 Incredible DIY Recipes For A Glowing And Supple Skin -Infographic

Want To Know How Exactly Turmeric Benefits The Skin?

Enriched with powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, this staple kitchen pantry is not just another cosmetic ingredient, but a one hero show as it not only assists in perking up the external layers of the skin but also functions deeper within for long-term benefits. The vibrant yellow hue of turmeric and most of its wondrous benefits come from curcumin, its main active ingredient. Curcumin showcases protective qualities against oxidative skin damage, skin-harming chemicals and environmental pollutants. It also plays a vital role in brightening, repairing and adding an ethereal glow to the skin. This active ingredient also assists in suppressing specific stimuli in the immune system that is responsible for skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

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What’s More? 

  • Regulates sebum production
  • Cleanses the skin
  • Exfoliates blocked pores
  • Hydrates and nourishes the epidermal layer
  • Safeguards from sun damage
  • Scourges blocked pores and blackheads
  • Staves off skin infections
  • Amplifies cellular regeneration
  • Brightens skin complexion
  • Retains moisture in the skin cells
  • Lessens oiliness and acne
  • Repairs parched skin
  • Bolsters the immune function

Turmeric is suitable for rectifying puffy skin, vanishing stretch marks and healing wounds as well. This humble spice is a potent remedy that helps reverse the age clock by promoting collagen formation, therefore reducing the various signs of ageing like wrinkles, spots, fine lines etc.

Well, now that you are well acquainted with the superb beauty incentives of this amazing botanical, just step into your kitchen and get a few teaspoons of turmeric from the masala box. We bring you 3 easy-peasy, super-effective DIY Turmeric recipes formulated with easy-to-get kitchen essentials to obtain beautiful, glowing, rejuvenated skin in a jiffy.

DIY Spectacular Turmeric Recipes

Turmeric-Milk Facial Cleanser

turmeric cleanser


2 tsp turmeric

½ cup milk

2-3 strands of kesar or saffron


Blend the ingredients to get a homogeneous solution 

Pour it into an ice-cube tray

Put it in the freezer to solidify

Use a cube or two to rub on the face after removing the makeup

Let the cleanser dry on the face

Wash off with cool water

How It Works:

This ice cube cleanser containing milk, turmeric and kesar is an absolute remedy to prevent free radical oxidative damage. While turmeric and kesar help to illuminate the skin, diminish hyperpigmentation, and get rid of acne and scars, the abundance of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) in milk exfoliates the dead skin cells, leaving the skin moisturised and nourished.

Turmeric-Besan Brightening Face Pack



1 tsp turmeric

2 tbsp chickpea flour or besan

1 tbsp rose water

1 tbsp fresh cream or malai

1 tsp honey


Mix all the components into a smooth paste

Smear it all over the face and neck

Let it dry completely for 20 minutes

Wash off with a wet sponge

How It Works:

Coined as Ubtan, the dynamic duo of turmeric and besan having anti-microbial and bleaching properties enhance the complexion when used regularly. The addition of rose water diminishes spots, whereas honey deters sudden breakouts. Fresh cream nourishes and moisturises the skin and prevents dry spots.  


Turmeric-Sugar Body Scrub

body scrub


1 cups sugar

5 tsp turmeric powder 

5 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp rice flour


Mic the ingredients to get a coarse mixture

Apply it all over the body

Scrub every part in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes

Wash off with cool water

Apply a mild moisturizer afterwards

How This Works:

Being a natural exfoliant, sugar crystals peel off dead skin cells, leaving the skin soft and smooth to help absorb other ingredients. The bleaching qualities of turmeric brighten the complexion while reducing redness, inflammation, and other skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema. The addition of coconut oil moisturizes dry skin.