Your foundation is on point and your highlight game is lit! But as the day wears on, all your hard work starts to come apart? Skipping setting spray may be the reason for your makeup melt down.  Well, how does the makeup setting spray help you? This simple beauty product can help keep your foundation, concealer, eye shadow and other makeup elements on your face, in place all day long.

Making your own spray from natural ingredients can leave you with a host of healing benefits and elevate your skin’s natural glow.

Makeup setting spray can be a gamechanger for those glam parties, long hectic days on the go or even your everyday routine. Perfectly designed to be sprayed lightly over the face at the end of your makeup routine, it helps to keep your makeup intact and prevents it from crumpling or getting ruined.

Here are three easy and inexpensive makeup setting spray DIY recipes using natural products that are light and pleasant on the skin and ensure your makeup remains in place and stays fresh all day long.

Spray for flawless look

Basic ingredients

Makeup setting spray can work wonders to keep the need for midday touch-ups to a minimum. The key purpose of using a makeup setting spray is to prevent your makeup from smearing, falling, folding, or fading away rapidly. These homemade makeup setting sprays aid to lock in your beautiful look.

Glycerin 1 tbsp

Distilled/Filtered water 3 tbsp

Few drops of essential oil (optional for added fragrance)


Small spray bottle


In a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients and transfer into a spray bottle.

Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients well and store the setting spray in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

3 Simple And Easy DIY Face Setting Spray Recipes

1. Witch Hazel Spray

Witch Hazel Spray


4 tbsp witch hazel

1-2 drops of lavender essential oil

1 cup of distilled water


Witch hazel is bestowed with skin refreshing, pore unclogging and cleansing properties.

Witch hazel makeup setting spray prevents clogged pores, controls excess oil secretion and averts acne.

Lavender essential oil helps in getting rid of acne, blemishes, lightens the skin and reduces fine lines.

Also Read: Amazing Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Glowing Skin

2. Rose Water Spray

Rose Water Spray


4 tbsp rose water

1-2 drops of argan oil

1 cup of distilled water


Rosewater is a highly prized skincare product known for its strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

This spray works well towards preventing acne and reducing skin redness and puffiness.

Argan oil hydrates the skin and boosts elasticity while making your skin look supple and makeup last.

Also Read: 5 Ways Moroccan Argan Oil Helps Beat Signs Of Aging

3. Aloe Vera/Green Tea Spray

Aloe Vera/Green Tea Spray


4 tbsp aloe vera gel

4 tbsp brewed green tea

1 cup of distilled water


Aloe vera is a natural skincare wonder ingredient that helps to maintain your skin’s glow and radiance.

This face setting spray makes your makeup last longer by keeping the skin well hydrated and energised all through the day.

Green tea which is loaded with antioxidants helps the skin fight free radical damage and slows down signs of ageing.