Inflammation is a part of body’s curative mechanism for fighting against the invasion of bacteria, viruses, by increasing white blood cells and antibodies.

However, in case of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type 1 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome etc., the immune system stimulates an inflammatory response even in the absence of foreign bodies. 

The word inflammation may sound scary but it’s not a very bad thing, after all. It in fact works as a defense system by increasing the immune response in those body areas affected by bacteria or injury. In few cases, certain medical conditions can cause faulty inflammatory responses and these disorders are known as chronic inflammatory diseases.

The best possible way an individual can prevent chronic inflammation is to go on an anti-inflammatory diet.

Anti-inflammatory diet

What Is Anti-inflammatory Diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet contains food that lowers inflammatory responses. This diet aims at swapping sugary, refined carbs with whole and nutrient dense foods. It also comprises abundant amounts of antioxidants, the reactive molecules in food that lower the free radicals. Free radicals are the culprits behind cell damage that can increase the risk of diseases.

Doctors, nutritionists and naturopathy practitioners recommended anti-inflammatory diet as a part of conservative treatment in the conditions like psoriasis, asthma, Crohn's disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, Hashimoto’s disease.

Foods To Include

Anti-inflammatory diet comprises fresh wholesome and nutrient dense foods such as:

Dark leafy greens -spinach and moringa

Blueberries, blackberries, and cherries

Dark red grapes

Cruciferous vegetables -broccoli and cauliflower

Beans, dals and legumes

Green tea


Coconut, olives and extra virgin olive oil

Walnuts, pistachios and almonds

Fish - salmon and sardines



Dark Chocolate

Foods To Avoid

If you are on an anti-inflammatory diet, avoid the following.

Processed meats

Sugary drinks and beverages

Trans fats, found in fried foods, packed foods and processed snacks.

White bread and all refined carbs


Soybean oil and vegetable oil

Cookies, candy, and ice cream

Excess alcohol

Anti-inflammatory Diet Specific Recommendations

Anti-inflammatory diets may require a lot of modifications in the regular meal plan. Few simple changes help in deriving its benefits.

Go for a wide spectrum of fruits and vegetables

Say no to junk foods

Avoid soda and sugary beverages

Make a healthy shopping list and keep healthy snacks handy

Always carry anti-inflammatory snacks while on the move

Drink plenty of water

Exercising regularly and get proper sleep

In A Nutshell

Anti-inflammatory diet promotes a reduction in inflammation. Lowering inflammation may ensure a person feel more relaxed and it also prevents potential health risks.