Alpha-lipoic acid has gained huge popularity in recent times owing to its indispensable health benefits. It’s an organic element that acts as a potent antioxidant in the system. The human body produces alpha-lipoic acid naturally and it’s also widely found in a broad spectrum of foods and available as dietary supplements. Evidence strongly suggests that this powerful compound holds a key role in supporting weight loss, controlling diabetes and managing other medical conditions.

Read this article to get an insight into alpha-lipoic acid, its benefits, side effects and recommended dosage.

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What Is Alpha-Lipoic Acid?

Alpha-lipoic acid is an organic substance present in human cells. It’s produced inside the mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells, where it assists enzymes to convert nutrients into energy. While it is also credited to possess strong antioxidant activities. It is both water and fat-soluble which lets it work in every cell or tissue in the body. While most antioxidants are either water or fat-soluble. For example, vitamin C is the only water-soluble antioxidant and vitamin E is only the fat-soluble antioxidant available.

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The powerful antioxidant qualities of alpha-lipoic acid have been associated with umpteen health incentives such as regulating blood sugar levels, easing inflammation, slowing down ageing and promoting nerve function. The human body produces alpha-lipoic acid in very minimal amounts. Hence you can complement this nutrient with a rich array of foods and supplements.

Some of the food sources heaped with alpha-lipoic acid include red meats, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach and Brussels sprouts. However, supplements can pack up to 1000 times more alpha-lipoic acid than food sources.

Incredible Health Benefits Of Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Promotes Weight Loss

Several pieces of evidence have shown that Alpha-lipoic acid may have a positive effect on weight loss. This potent supplement has the ability to burn calories and enhance shedding surplus kilos effectively.

Regulates Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes leads to several complications such as vision loss, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. The alpha-lipoic acid supplement has been largely famed as a potential aid for diabetes, by lowering blood sugar spikes. Studies reveal that alpha-lipoic acid may reduce insulin resistance and maintains fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels under control. In addition, it’s proven to alleviate symptoms of nerve damage and lower the risk of diabetic retinopathy. However, always consult your healthcare provider before trying this supplement, as it may interact with your diabetes medications.

Slows Down Ageing

Several pieces of evidence disclose that alpha-lipoic acid may help combat signs of premature ageing. The goodness of antioxidants in alpha-lipoic acid when applied to the skin diffuses deep into the skin’s layers and confers protection against free radical damage and harmful UV radiation. Furthermore, alpha-lipoic acid improves the levels of glutathione, an antioxidant which helps safeguard against skin damage and lower signs of ageing.

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Promotes Memory Power

Memory loss is a common issue among elderly people. While oxidative stress is believed to damage the brain cells that play a crucial role in memory loss. The alpha lipoic acid supplement is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to slow the progression of memory loss in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Improves Nerve Function

Alpha-lipoic acid supports healthy nerve function and has been potential in slowing down the progression of carpel tunnel syndrome in its early stage. In addition, research also reveals that alpha-lipoic acid may mitigate symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

Ways To Add Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is found abundantly in a broad spectrum of natural food sources.

Some of the food sources rich in alpha-lipoic acid include :

  • Red meats
  • Organ meats like liver, heart, kidney, etc.
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Potatoes
  • Green peas
  • Rice bran

Alpha-lipoic acid is also available as a supplement and is readily available in stores and online. While supplements contain up to 1000 times more alpha-lipoic acid than foods.

Alpha-lipoic supplements should be taken on an empty stomach, as certain foods can impede this nutrient’s bioavailability. It’s always best to ask your healthcare provider before taking any supplement for its right dosage and effectiveness.

Side Effects

Alpha-lipoic acid is generally considered safe and well tolerated by most people with very minimal to no side effects. However, if taken in excess amounts it may cause mild symptoms like nausea, rashes or itching. Also, there are only limited studies to support its safety in children and pregnant women, hence they are not supposed to take it unless advised by their doctor.

Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before taking the alpha-lipoic acid supplement, as it may interact with other medicines that help lower blood glucose levels.