The journey to reach your fitness goals is often challenging and complicated by constant hunger pangs that can lead to binge eating. Whether you are trying to cut down snacking between meals or just watching out for healthier ways to fuel the system. Navigating hunger clues can be tough, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Fret not; there are a whole lot of nutritious foods that are good for you and act as natural hunger/ appetite suppressants, which can help you reduce appetite. These foods are packed with healthful nutrients like dietary fibre and protein that fuel your system and keep you satiated for a longer time.

hunger suppressants

Adding these filling foods is a sustainable option for shedding excess kilos without side effects. Here we have curated 6 hunger-suppressing foods and their benefits.

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Six Hunger-Suppressing Foods


Oatmealis not only a delicious breakfast option but also packs a load of dietary fibre and other vital nutrients that keep you satiated for a longer period. The goodness of soluble fibre, beta-glucan, in oats forms a gel-like compound in the stomach, slowing the gastric emptying time and digestion process and increasing the feeling of fullness. Thus, having a bowl of oatmeal with fruits and nuts as breakfast gives you a steady energy supply and helps you lose weight instantly.

Also Read: Oats Diet For Weight Loss: Know How This Whole Grain Cereal Helps You In Shedding Those Extra Kilos


  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
  • Provides sustained energy
  • Diminishes cholesterol levels


Full of heart-healthy fatty acids and fibre, avocados are an impressive source of nutrition. These monounsaturated fatty acids take longer to digest and keep you satiated. Several studies have also shown that adding avocados to the meal helped participants reduce their carb intake and promote fullness. In addition, the richness of oleic acid in avocados stimulates the region of the brain cells that makes you feel full.

Also Read: Butter Fruit /Avocado: Nutrition, Health Benefits, Keto Diet, Uses For Skin And Recipes


  • Supports heart health
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Manages blood sugar spikes
  • Promotes digestion
  • Strengthens bones


Just a fistful of almonds confers umpteen health incentives. Almonds are endowed with a treasure trove of nutrients including vitamin E, 
antioxidants, proteins, and magnesium. A study found that eating almonds as a healthy snack helped reduce overall hunger and the desire to indulge in high-fat foods. Natural appetite suppressant almonds increase feelings of fullness and support weight loss.


  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Promotes gut health
  • Lowers heart disease risk
hunger suppressants


Ginger is one of the most valued spices in every Indian kitchen, which confers incredible health incentives. This humble spice, whether added to a smoothie or any Indian delights, works as a stimulant that energizes the system and promotes digestion, thus making you less hungry and controlling portion size.



Eggs are packed with high-quality digestible protein; one large egg offers 12 grams of protein. According to the Journal of Nutrition, egg protein is valuable in reducing calorie intake due to decreased appetite.


  • Promotes brain health
  • Maintain good cholesterol levels
  • Manages weight

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a storehouse of fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Soak chia seeds in water, they would double up and form a gel-like substance, increasing their volume and helping you feel full without consuming many calories.


  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Supports digestive health
  • Provides sustained energy

How These Foods Benefit Weight Loss

Incorporating these hunger-suppressing foods into your diet can aid in weight loss by:

Reducing Caloric Intake: Foods high in fibre and protein help you feel full, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels: Preventing spikes and crashes in blood sugar helps control hunger and cravings.

Boosting Metabolism: Foods rich in protein and healthy fats can enhance metabolic rate, aiding in more efficient calorie burning.

Promoting Satiety: Slow-digesting foods provide prolonged feelings of fullness, reducing the need for frequent snacking.

Tips for Incorporation

Start Your Day with Oatmeal: Add fruits and nuts for flavour and nutrients.

Snack on Nuts: A small handful can curb mid-meal hunger without adding excessive calories.

Add Avocado to Salads: It enhances flavour and keeps you full longer.

Energize with ginger Tea: Brew ginger tea for optimal gut health and energy

Egg in Breakfast: Have a wholesome toast with egg

Sprinkle Chia Seeds: Add them to smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal for an extra fibre boost.

Adding these wholesome foods into your diet can help you control hunger, reduce calorie intake, and effectively support your weight loss journey. Remember to pair these hunger-suppressing foods with an active lifestyle, regular workouts and a balanced diet for optimal results.


Appetite-Suppressing and Satiety-Increasing Bioactive Phytochemicals: A Systematic Review

Johann Stuby,1,*† Isaac Gravestock,1,† Evelyn Wolfram,2 Giuseppe Pichierri,1 Johann Steurer,1 and Jakob M. Burgstaller1