Hunger is the body’s natural response to it needs more food to stay energetic and get going. When you feel hungry, your stomach may growl and feel empty or you may have a headache, feel irritable or difficult to concentrate or off balance. On the other hand, if you feel always hungry it may be a sign of nutritional deficiencies, stress, poor sleep or hormonal imbalances. Most people can remain energetic for several hours between meals and before feeling hungry again, and it is not similar for all. In a few situations, hunger can also be a sign of emotional blankness, where you look out for food in an attempt to comfort yourself or out of sadness, boredom or even happiness. The problem is eating more than what the body needs to support regular activities can trigger gaining surplus kilos.

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Well, increased appetite can be a good indicator that something is off. Do you tend to feel hungry always, even after eating well? Do you find it hard to completely satisfy hunger pangs despite having regular foods? There are several reasons for this and here we have cited 7 possible reasons for having an endless appetite.

Not Getting Enough Protein

Adding good quality protein in the meal regimen and adequate quantity is essential for appetite control. Protein has hunger-lowering actions that may help you inevitably have fewer calories throughout the day. It works by increasing the production of hormones that signal fullness and lowering the levels of hormones that trigger hunger. Thus, one may feel very hungry often, if your protein intake is very minimal.

Even evidence reveals that obese people who consumed 25% of calories from protein for 3 months had a 50% reduction in late-night snacking and felt satiated throughout the day compared with a group that consumed less protein. Protein-rich foods are available in plenty, and including a source of protein in every meal can avert excessive hunger. Choose from a healthy source of protein like lean meat, fish, egg, milk and milk products, legumes, nut, seeds and whole grains.

Meals Loaded With Refined Carbs

Refined or simple carbohydrates are ones that have been completely processed and are devoid of fibre, vitamins and minerals. All-purpose flour or maida is a key refined carbohydrate found in several grain-based foods like bread, pasta, junk foods and baked foods. As these carbs lack fibre, the GI system very rapidly digests them, and it is the main reason why you feel hungry often if you tend to eat a lot of refined carbs.

In addition, consuming refined carbs may result in a fast surge in blood sugar levels, which leads to increased levels of insulin to remove sugar from the blood. When insulin secretion is more, it quickly removes sugar from the blood which may lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels or hypoglycaemia signals your body that it requires more food, which is also a reason why you may feel hungry often if you take plenty of refined carbs as part of your diet regimen. Swap refined carbs with complex nutrient-dense whole foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes, as these foods control unwanted hunger pangs.

A Diet Low In Fat

Adding healthy fats to the diet plays a vital role in keeping you satiated. As fat slows the gastric emptying time, promotes fullness and releases hormones that keep one satiated. There are several nutrient-dense high-fat foods that can be included in the diet to boost fat intake. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and omega-3 fatty acids have been studied extensively for their ability to lower appetite. Coconut oil, tuna, salmon and sardine, walnuts and flaxseeds s are some of the richest sources of healthy fats.

Also Read: Virgin Coconut Oil: Uses, Nutrition And Health Benefits

Not Drinking Adequate Water

Good hydration is a vital part of maintaining overall health and well-being. Drinking water confers several health incentives including boosting brain and heart health and improving exercise performance. Also, water keeps skin glowing and the digestive system healthy. It is filling and has the potential to lower appetite when consumed before meals. The feeling of thirst can be mistaken for the feeling of hunger, if you feel hungry always drink a glass or two of water first to find out if you’re just feeling thirsty. Consuming a lot of water-loaded foods including fruits and vegetables will immensely contribute to hydration needs.

Poor Sleep

Getting sound-quality sleep is very essential for overall health. Good sleep is needed for the proper functioning of the brain and immune system and is associated with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Aside from these, sleeping well is a key factor in appetite control, as it assists in regulating ghrelin, the appetite-stimulating hormone. Poor sleep may lead to higher ghrelin levels, which is why you may feel hungrier when sleep is deprived. Furthermore, getting adequate sleep aids ensures adequate levels of leptin, a hormone promoting satiety. To keep your hunger levels well controlled, it’s ideal to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily.

Also Read: Ayurveda For Sleep Apnea: Natural Remedies To Cease Snoring And Ensure A Deep Slumber

Eating While You’re Distracted

In today’s hectic lifestyle, most of us often eat, while we are distracted, though it can save time, distracted eating can be harmful to health. It’s linked with higher appetite, increased calorie intake and excess weight gain. Even though you eat a normal diet, you still don’t feel full and moments later may experience hunger pangs.

Practising mindful eating behaviour, lessening screen time and staying away from electronic devices are some of the measures that one can try to avoid distraction. This will let you sit down and taste food, supporting you in better recognising your body’s fullness signals.


Stress at the workplace or home is sure to increase appetite. This is owing to the increased levels of cortisol, a hormone that has been shown to increase hunger and cravings. This is the reason why you are always hungry if experience stress.