Minerals are important micronutrient essential for the normal functioning of several bodily processes. It has been categorised as major and trace minerals. There are about 6 major minerals that are present in the bodies in huge amounts. These minerals are involved in more than a hundred of vital roles in the body.

Minerals are responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance, strengthening teeth and bones, boost energy levels, muscle contractions, trigger immunity, and supports the nervous system and thyroid functions. They also convert food into energy and repair cellular damage.

Eating a wholesome diet is the best possible ways to get sufficient amounts of these minerals from the foods. However, certain health conditions or intake of some medication could lead to either a deficiency or an excess of some of the minerals. Most minerals are available as dietary supplements, however, seek advice from your healthcare provider before taking any supplement.

Major Minerals And Its Functions

Calcium is necessary for the formation of stronger bones and teeth, activating blood clotting factors and normal functioning of the nervous, facilitating nerve-nerve communication and stimulating muscular contraction. Adequate amounts of calcium in the diet avert the risk of osteoporosis and bones from becoming fragile.

Also Read: Calcium: Functions, Food Sources, Supplements, Deficiencies And Toxicity

Chloride is an important mineral that the body needs to produce gastric juices and it’s found together with sodium in the fluids surrounding the cells. It works along with sodium to maintain electrolyte balance in the system.

Magnesium is required for performing several biochemical processes that control many actions in the body including muscle contraction, nerve impulses. It also helps to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and strengthens bones.

Phosphorus is vital for bone growth and normal cell function. It works together with B –vitamins to convert foods into energy and provide the body with fuel to carry out daily activities.

Potassium is an essential mineral needed for normal nervous system function, muscle contraction, maintaining heart rhythm and exhibits a profound effect on total well-being.

Sodium works together with chloride to maintain fluid balance in and around the cells. It is also important for controlling blood pressure and important for normal muscle and nerve function.

A wholesome and balanced diet will provide you with adequate amounts of these minerals. Foray this infographic to know about food sources abundant in these minerals.
Foods plenty in essential minerals