Potassium is one of the three quintessential minerals found in the body that is extremely necessary for daily metabolic activities.

Though a mineral, it functions as an electrolyte. When dissolved in body fluids, it becomes positively charged and counteracts with the sodium and helps in maintaining blood pressure. Also Checkout: World Hypertension Day: Diet Chart To Control High BP- Infographic

Scientific researches show around 90 – 95 % potassium is found in our cells, out of which 75 – 80 % is found in our muscle cells and the remaining in the R.B.C, liver and bones.


  • Potassium is important for reducing the various symptoms of high blood pressure hence controlling hypertension and treating several cardiac disorders.
  • Potassium plays a key role in regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
  • It stimulates nerve activity.
  • It is extremely essential in the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

Potassium rich foods