The arrival of the monsoon season spikes the risk of diseases, so it is vital that we safeguard ourselves by eating healthy. One of the most important benefits of including vitamin C rich foods in our regular diet is that it helps in boosting our immunity and wards off infections.Vitamin C Health Benefits  Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most important and powerful nutrients. It is a water-soluble vitamin and a potent antioxidant. Widely used in the prevention and treatment of scurvy, common cold, hypertension, curing cataracts, cancer, stroke, it helps keep the skin elastic and heals wounds. We must get it through foods & supplements as it is not produced in our body.  


- Oranges
- Gooseberry (Amala)
- Red peppers
- Kale
- Brussel sprouts
- Broccoli
- Strawberry
- Grapefruit
- Guava
- Kiwi
- Muskmelon
- Tomatoes
- Potato  


Healthy Immune Function

Vitamin C activates the production of white blood cells and boosts the immune cells to function effectively. A potent antioxidant, it protects white blood cells from oxidative damage and supports proper functioning. It has marked effect on repairing wounds and wards off the attack of bacteria, virus and infection.

Skin health

A common problem in monsoon season is dry skin, a good diet with copious vitamin C intake decreases the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C reduce the oxidative damagecaused by pollution, stress and poor diet. It also slows the aging process and makes the skin glow.


Common cold is prevalent in monsoon season & Vitamin C acts as an effective antihistamine that reduces the effect of cold, inflammation, runny nose, allergy and aches. It shortens the duration of colds by reducing the histamine levels.


A study revealed that low levels of Vitamin C increases the risk of asthma. Adequate intake of vitamin C reduces the body's production of histamine which contribute to inflammation. It also reduces the risk of exercise induced asthma.

Urinary Tract Infection

Daily supplement of Vitamin C reduces the risk of developing a urinary tract infectionin pregnant women. Vitamin C stops the growth of some bacteria by making urine more acidic.


The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition featured a study that found those with high levels of vitamin C in their blood had almost a 50% decreased risk of stroke.

Reduces risk of Cataracts

Vitamin C plays a role in improving vision and prevents the development of cataractthat causes blindness in older people. Eye lens require a high amount of Vitamin C to ward off free radicals that are produced due to direct exposure to sunlight.

Treats Cancer

Studies had suggested that a high-dose of vitamin C may enhance the cancer-killing effect of drugs used in chemotherapy. Vitamin C is a safe and cost-effective treatment for ovarian, lung, stomach, throat and colon & may be associated with increased survival in those already diagnosed.  


Man 40
Woman 40
Pregnant woman 60
Lactating up to 6 months &6-12 months 80
Infants 0-6 months & 6-12 months 25
Children 4-6years 40
Children 7-9 years 40
Boys 10-12 years 40
Girls 10-12 years 40
Boys 13-15 years 40
Girls 13-15 years 40
Boys 16-17 years 40
Girls 16-17 years 40

Vitamin C is absorbed through foods & supplements as it is not produced in our body.