Come summer, and the market is flooded natural coolants like watermelons, oranges, melons. However, with all these citrus fruits, don’t forget the humble cucumber. Often referred to as a fruit, cucumbers are made up of 96% water and when consumed, it plays a vital role in maintaining the fluid balance in the body.

Cucumbers have also been an integral part of skin and beauty care for ages. Silica, a beauty mineral found abundantly in cucumbers makes the skin glow instantly.

The host of essential vitamins and minerals in cucumbers help to soothe inflammation, lower redness and prevent blemishes. Cucumber works like a wonder veggie when applied on the skin directly, making it supple and healthy.

Wards Off Dark Circles

The richness of silica in cucumber helps in lightening dark circles. A slice of cucumber on the eyes can do wonders not just by alleviating stress but also reduces the occurrence of dark circles. Place a cucumber slice or grated cucumber on the eyes, keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse well with cool water. For best results repeat it three to four times a week.

Skin Tan

The richness of Vitamin C and caffeic acid in cucumber helps in soothing the irritated skin or tanned skin and lessens swelling. The astringent property in cucumber also helps in reducing skin tan. In addition, the natural coolant helps in preventing water retention, reduces puffiness around the eyes, burns and treats skin problems.

Rejuvenates Skin

The scorching summer and the impact of pollution can take a toll on your skin health. Cucumber is incredibly beneficial in revitalizing your skin due to its anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties. Apply a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice on your skin, let it stay for 10 minutes and rinse well. This cooling blend will make your skin supple and glow naturally.

Treats Blemishes

Cleansing your skin with cucumber water is a great way to ward off blemishes and keep freckles at bay. The myriad of essential nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties of cucumber soothe the skin, making it glow and look radiant. Add a few cucumber slices to a glass of water, keep it for a few hours and use that water to splash your face.

Natural Conditioners

Cucumber juice can be used as a hair rinse which makes your mane look lustrous. The richness of silica in cucumber works as an amazing hair conditioner and makes your hair look silky. Furthermore, applying cucumber juice on your hair scalp will make your hair grow stronger due it’s dense nutrient profile.

Enhance Your Hair Shine

Consider using cucumber-infused water as a natural hair rinse to infuse your locks with a healthy shine and invigorate your scalp. This simple yet effective method can revitalize your hair and leave it looking refreshed.

Provide Your Nails A Nourishment

For stronger, healthier nails, immerse your fingertips in cucumber juice. This nail-strengthening technique not only fortifies your nails but also encourages robust and wholesome nail growth. Incorporating cucumber into your nail care routine can lead to visibly improved nail health.

Add For A Refreshing Bath

Transform your bathing experience by incorporating cucumber slices or cucumber juice into your bathwater. This delightful addition can create a soothing and invigorating bath, providing benefits to your skin. As you soak in cucumber-infused water, you'll feel relaxed and rejuvenated, while your skin may benefit from its natural properties.