Autism is a common neuro-developmental disorder, categorized as one of the 100 developmental issues that fall under the topic Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Autism is primarily characterized by impairment in a child’s ability to communicate effectively coupled with issues related to social interactions. As a matter of fact, children with autism display restricted social quotient, along with the indulgence in stereotype behavior pattern.

Due to the impaired intraneuronal ability to effectively communicate, the brain’s cognitive ability is hampered in children with autism. This may further result in unusual responses towards other people, indulgence into stereotyped or repetitive behavior, and complete isolation from social integration and/or aggressive behavior.

At times, children with autism may develop seizures or build up self-injurious behavior.

A child learning alphabet

Signs and Symptoms:

The varying degree of communication as well as interaction issues, including difficulty in continuous conversation, sharing interests with other children, or maintaining complete isolation from the interaction.

Difficulty in maintaining direct eye contact or understanding the gesture or difficulty in developing new relationships.

The child may get indulged into repetitive movements, motion or unusual voice pattern.

The child may be reluctant to adapt to the change and is comfortable in maintaining specific routines.

Being oversensitive towards sensory passage of information, the child may react in an adverse manner to a specific sound.


As per the latest trends, some of the treatment options available currently can be noted as follows:

Behavioral as well as communication therapies.

Educational therapies.

Medications like steroids to prevent symptomatic aggression as well as behavioral issues.