For centuries, roses are prized for their mesmerising fragrance and unique colours.

Coined as the symbol of love and beauty, this iconic flower has a myriad of health benefits and does wonders for the skin and body.

Rose water for skin

Legend has it that the enticing fragrance of rose made the famous Egyptian Queen Cleopatra sprinkle rose petals onto her floors and even include them in her bath and beauty rituals. Even, ancient Greeks and Romans used to perfume their baths with rose petals for that alluring fragrance.

Traditionally, the flower has been used in its distilled form (i.e. rose water) in various formulations, therapeutic treatments and rituals. But the flower is equally beneficial in the form of dried rose petals, rose seed oil and rose petal oil when used in cleanser, toner, moisturiser or serum.

Here are three easy ways you can incorporate rose into your daily beauty essentials and reap its goodness.

Rose Petal and Sugar Scrub


1 cup dried rose petals

2-3 tbsp milk

1 cup of sugar

½ tbsp honey

1/3 cup coconut oil

3- 4 drops of lavender or any essential oil of choice


Grind the dried rose petals in a mixer.

Add the other ingredients to it.

Apply it all over your face.

Gently scrub in a circular motion for 5 – 10 minutes.


The dried rose petals and sugar act as a mild scrubber and slowly removes the dead skin cells while imparting you a smooth, silky skin. The addition of milk and honey to it, assures that the scrub is not too harsh on the skin and keeps the skin moisturised at all times.

Rose face pack

Rose, Saffron and Yogurt Face Pack


1/2 cup fresh rose petals

2-3 threads of saffron

1 tbsp homemade yogurt


Mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste using a grinder.

Smear the paste all over your face.

Keep it on for 20 minutes.

Wash off with lukewarm water.


The face pack is very effective for acne-prone sensitive skin. The anti-bacterial property of the rose petals helps in controlling oil secretion whereas saffron soothes the skin and improves the skin tone. Yogurt, on the other hand, reduces wrinkles, fine lines and rejuvenates the skin.

Rose and Shea Butter Moisturiser


1-2 cups of rose water

4-5 tbsp almond oil

1-2 tbsp shea butter

1-2 tbsp cocoa butter

2-3 tbsp of coconut oil

2 tbsp of jojoba oil

1 tbsp beeswax

1 tbsp lanolin

2 vitamin E capsules

4-5 drops of rosehip seed oil or sandalwood essential oil


Melt shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, beeswax and lanolin in a double boiler.

Once it comes to boil, switch it off and allow it to cool down.

Crack open the vitamin E capsules and add the aromatic rose water, vitamin E oil and jojoba oil to the melted cream and mix it thoroughly in a blender.

Pour in a glass vessel and store in the refrigerator for future use.


This miraculous rose moisturiser is extremely beneficial for the skin. Shea and cocoa butter moisturises dry skin, treats acne and reduces wrinkles and blemishes. The addition of vitamin E oil not only reduces oxidative damage of the skin but also slows down skin aging and imparts you a smooth glowing skin.