Do you experience a buzzing, ringing, hissing or clicking sound in the ears all the time? Is your everyday life and regular activities becoming more and more difficult to carry out? No, you aren’t hallucinating the sound my friend, this uncomfortable sensation is nothing but an ear condition called Tinnitus.

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, also known as Karnanada in Ayurveda, is a type of hissing, ringing, roaring, clicking, whooshing, or whining sound that chiefly arises due to the disruption of the Prana Vayu, a type of Vata dosha that exists in the head and upper torso and administers all higher cerebral functions as well as the inhalation phase of respiration and the action of swallowing.

Also Read: Tinnitus Is Annoying, Learn How To Manage It

What Causes Tinnitus?

An imbalance in the Vatic dosha causes abnormalities in the normal body functioning causing dryness of the mucous membranes, disturbance within the sensory nerve fibres often causing tinnitus, a phantom sound which is only audible to the sufferer. This mainly reduces concentration during the day time, affect the cognitive functioning and often lead to lack of sleep at night.

It is a long list of causes, from stress, accumulation of ear wax, cardiac anomalies, stiffening in the middle ear of the bone, joint disorders in the jaw, cardiac ailments, ENT infections to allergies.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

While there is no absolute cure for tinnitus, it can be very well managed by the timeless approach of Yoga. This practice not only stimulates the organs and removes toxins from the body but also relaxes the muscles around the head and neck, which ultimately reduces the noise caused by the condition.

We bring you 5 such spectacular yoga poses that help in managing tinnitus naturally. 
Yoga poses to treat tinnitus

Yoga Poses To Treat Tinnitus

1. Troikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Stand straight while keeping your feet joined. Rest your hands on either side of the body. Slowly spread your legs apart. Lift your right hand up. Take a deep breath and bend towards your left and balance by keeping the left palm on the floor. Tilt your head upwards and fix your gaze on the right-hand fingertips and count up to 20. Repeat the posture while bending towards right. Take 1 minute of rest and continue the entire posture for two more times.


Since the head hangs on one side, the Triangle pose spontaneously sends a flush of fresh blood to the head and neck region.   During the pose, the muscles in that area get relaxed, which helps the ears pop and open up. This reduces the ringing sensation quite a bit. Additionally, it also aligns the spine, improves equilibrium, corrects the body posture and relieves overall stress.

2. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Kneel on the floor, with your soles upward and legs touching the ground. While keeping hands on the hips, ensure that the knees and shoulders are aligned in a straight manner. Breathe in, and bend your back, gripping your feet with your hands for balance. Hold this posture for one minute or as long as you can, then slowly bring your back to an upright position, relaxing the legs and hands as well.


The Camel Pose is pivotal in opening up the heart and throat chakras which helps in treating the underlying problems that occurs when the chakras are closed. Being an ENT problem, when the blocks in the throat chakra are cleared, the ears also benefit. On practicing the asana regularly, tinnitus is slowly treated. It also increases the flow of blood in the head and neck and effectively elongates the spine while stretching the hamstrings at one go.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

Come on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart. Now, slowly lift your hips off the floor and straighten your elbows and knees. Ensure that your body forms an inverted ‘V’. Now, press your hands into the ground and stretch your neck such that your ears should touch your inner arms, and you should turn your gaze towards your navel. Hold this position for five-eight breathes and then return to the original position.


The downward facing dog-pose is one of the most pivotal yogasanas for improving blood circulation throughout the body, opening blocked channels and relieving overall body stress. Not only does it stretch the neck and strengthen the spine but also decongests nasal and ear cavities and provide quick relief from tinnitus.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie flat on your stomach and place your head on the ground. Keep both your hands on either side of your shoulders. Slowly, put pressure on your palms and lift your body up from the torso while stretching your back and belly muscles. Straighten out your arms and keep your shoulder blades pressed against your back. Fix gaze at a point on the ceiling and hold this posture for about 15-30 seconds and exhale as you return to the starting position.


The Cobra pose is one such yogasana that helps in managing a lot of health anomalies in one go. Not only does it open the chest, throat and nose cavities but also helps to remove toxins or energy blocks in these areas and promotes the flow of fresh blood. With time, this pose reduces the ringing sensation in the ears which also improves concentration.

5. Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Initially, sit about 3 inches from an empty wall. Lie onto the back and swing your legs upwards in such a way that the back of the thigh rests against the wall. Rest your entire back, i.e., the spinal column on the floor below and relax the arms on either side of the body or the tummy. Hold the position for 10 minutes or as long as you can and then slowly pull your leg back to the starting position.


This asana is one of the most relaxing poses that allow you to lie flat on the ground with your legs up without much twisting or turning. Not only does it bolster circulation of blood throughout the body but also awakens the throat chakra that indirectly relieves one from tinnitus. It is also beneficial in allowing lymphatic drainage and releasing pressure from the back and hip muscles.