Yoga is an age-old spiritual practice with its inception in India thousands of years ago, that combines physical movements i.e. asanas with breathing techniques like pranayama as well as meditation, that not only improve overall health but also help attain a state of balance, peace and poise between the mind, body and soul. Its outstanding health incentives include stress relief, heart wellness, strong bones and muscles, elevated brain power and boosted energy levels for enhanced physical and mental wellbeing.

The customs in Yoga encompass myriad asanas i.e. poses like Bhujangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana etc., with a particular asana known as Dhanurasana or bow pose, that is touted for its potential in strengthening the spinal cord, neck and shoulder muscles and even lowering tension, anxiety for a calm mind.

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What Is Dhanurasana?

Dhanurasana is a key yoga asana that forms an integral part of the 12 basic hatha yoga poses. Otherwise referred to as Urdva Chakrasana, Dhanurasana is the Sanskrit terminology wherein “Dhanur” means bow and “Asana” implies a posture, which translates to Bow Pose. A vital back-bending exercise in yoga, the Dhanurasana pose quite evidently resembles a bow, with the hands forming the strings.

This yoga asana entails a strong thrust and stretch in the front of the body, intensely unlocking the centre of the heart and is famed for its capabilities in incorporating a brave, stoic outlook with fearlessness and grace.

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How To Do Dhanurasana:

Lay down flat on the ground with the stomach facing down, keeping the hands along the sides with palms opened up and feet drawn out a bit apart.

Inhale deeply and lift both legs at once, bending the knees and holding on to the ankles with both hands.

Slowly raise the face and body, looking straight ahead.

Focus on the breath constantly, to infuse more power to the lungs that are expanded a lot and the belly which is pressed hard on the floor.

Hold this bow pose steadily, remaining firm for 20 – 30 seconds and breathing in quietly.

Gradually release the pose while exhaling, bringing the torso and legs back to the ground with relaxed breathing.

Rest for 1 – 2 minutes, then repeat. The entire procedure of Dhanurasana can be done for 3 – 5 iterations.

Fantastic Health Benefits Of Dhanurasana:

Dhanurasana or the bow pose is a rejuvenating yoga technique that confers spectacular advantages for holistic health. These comprise:

  • Expanding the spinal cord muscles, thereby forming a robust backbone and promoting blood flow across the nerves in the region
  • Uplifting energy levels, banishing fatigue and lethargy
  • Alleviating depression, stress, anxiety, thus instilling courage and soothing the mind
  • Extending the abdomen and stimulating the reproductive organs in both men and women, serving as an effective asana from yoga for irregular periods, optimal menstruation processes and remedying erectile dysfunction
  • Facilitating smooth digestion, metabolism and regulates appetite
  • Supporting weight loss by burning belly fat and helping shed calories
  • Stretching the nerves, muscles, ligaments in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, thighs, lower legs, ankles, improving flexibility and relieving low back pain

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Basic Precautions To Follow:

Although Dhanurasana vastly enriches wellbeing, there are certain restrictions for individuals with underlying health anomalies that must be adhered to. Since the yoga posture extensively stretches the abdominal core and puts undue strain on the muscles in the torso, hips and back, it should be avoided by people with the following issues:

  • High blood pressure i.e. hypertension, as well as low blood pressure/hypotension
  • Internal organ bulging/bleeding ailments or hernia
  • Spondylitis
  • Injury to the neck, shoulders, back or spine that has occurred recently or while still recuperating from muscle impairments
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Having undergone abdominal surgery
  • Trouble sleeping, insomnia
  • Frequent headaches/migraines