World Stroke Day is observed on October 29, annually to highlight the grave nature of stroke and raise awareness among the populace about prevention and treatment of this condition and guarantee better care and support for the survivors. This health event organises several campaigns across the globe stressing the need for education, screening, and other efforts to improve the damaging effects of stroke. World Stroke Day was first initiated in 2006 by the World Stroke Organization (WSO) and in the year 2010, WSO declared stroke as a public health emergency.

When a person had a stroke attack, each second that passes by is critical. As brain tissue and millions of neurons begin to die, time is ultimately more precious. This year’s campaign aims at raising awareness of the signs of stroke and the benefits of well-timed access to quality stroke treatment.
World stroke day

World Stroke Day 2021 theme is “Minutes Can Save Lives”, yes when it comes to stroke every single minute matters. With the global lifetime risk of stroke rising alarmingly at 1 in 4, it is evident that widespread public awareness events to educate people about symptoms is essential. Additionally, efforts has to be taken to save 5.5 million lives and promote the overall well-being of 9 million stroke survivors each year.

Well, fast access to treatment saves lives and speed up the recovery. Thus, if you spot any signs of stroke, call an ambulance immediately.

Also Read: World Stroke Day 2020: How To Care For A Person In The Event Of A Sudden Cerebrovascular Attack

Early Warning signs

Stroke can occur to anyone at any age, any time and all need to know about the warning signs. With the help of letters in F.A.S.T let’s spot a stroke first.

F = Face Drooping

A = Arm Weakness

S = Speech Difficulty

T = Time to call an ambulance (as time loss is brain loss)

Furthermore, other symptoms one should know include:

Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, particularly on one side of the body.

Sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding speech

Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes

Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance

Sudden severe headache with no specified cause

Warning Signs In Posterior Circulation Stroke

Posterior circulation strokes develop when a blood vessel in the back region of the brain is blocked causing the death of brain cells in that region. It can also be caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the back part of the brain. In this type of stroke, symptoms can be very different from the usual.

Vertigo, as the room is spinning


One-sided arm or leg weakness.

Slurred speech

Double vision problems

A headache

Nausea and or vomiting

Also Read: Stroke/Cerebrovascular Accident: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
How to spot a stroke

Symptoms Of Stroke In Women

Generally, women have distinct symptoms, and these happen suddenly, which include:



Shortness of breath


Sudden behavioural change



Nausea or vomiting



Remember early warning signs of a stroke may disappear after a few minutes. However, these symptoms may still denote a transient ischemic attack (TIA). Thus, even if symptoms settle, it’s essential to get prompt medical care right away.

Preventing stroke

The best treatment for a stroke is prevention. You can follow these steps to lower your risk factors for having a stroke by:

  • Eating a wholesome diet including more vegetables, fruits beans, and nuts
  • Adding seafood instead of red meat and poultry
  • Reducing intake of sodium, saturated fats, sugars, and refined grains
  • Engaging in regular exercise
  • Quitting smoking/tobacco
  • Limiting alcohol
  • Taking prescribed medications for high blood pressure, as advised by the doctor


It’s pivotal for all of us to know about the early signs and symptoms of stroke and stroke can be prevented. In fact, about 90% of all strokes can be prevented by addressing risk factors. Some of the most common risk factors include a poor diet, smoking, lack of physical activity and hypertension. Medical fraternities and government health organizations are keenly working on strategies to prevent stroke attacks and hope to reduce the prevalence rate of stroke to half by 2030.