Today is World Stroke Day and it is observed every year with an aim to raise awareness among people about the importance of prevention, treatment of the disorder and facilitate better care and support for the survivors. The World Stroke Organization (WSO) was started in the year 2006 and was declared a public health emergency in 2010. The WSO has now organized a year-round campaign that implements to advocate policy and outreach to support steps and continue the movement.

world stroke day 2019

The Goodwill ambassador’s for World Stroke Organization include the Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar, cyclist Alberto Contador and former Miss Egypt Dalia El Behery. One in four of us has the risk of getting a stroke in our lifetime, however, most strokes can be prevented by following a few simple steps. This year theme is #DontBeTheOne

A stroke can strike anyone, and it is the leading cause of disability globally, however, most strokes can be prevented. Statistics reveal that stroke is the second leading cause of death among individuals above age 60 years. It is reported that 17 million people globally suffer a stroke each year of which 6.2 million mortality and 5 million people are permanently disabled. Also Read: Strokes Are Treatable: Timing and Correct Diagnosis Are The Key

About 80% of stroke deaths occur in middle and lower-income countries including India as a result of poor preventive measures and non-availability of a proper treatment plan to the rural and urban.

A stroke develops when the blood vessels in the brain rupture or when there is a blockage to the passage of blood supply to the brain which stops oxygen going to the brain tissues. Cells and tissues devoid of oxygen begin to die within few minutes which may result in paralysis, numbness in one part of the face, upper and lower extremities, slurred speech, loss of balance and sudden intense headache. A stroke needs immediate medical attention and timely treatment can avert brain damage, disability and death. On this World Stroke Day learn about the common myths debunked about stroke. Also Read: The Link Between Stress And Stroke

1. Myth: Stroke Can Occur Only In Elderly


The fact is actually true as the risk of getting stroke doubles as we age. Apparently, stroke can even affect people in the age group 15-65 years due to the high prevalence of obesity and high blood pressure in this age group.

2. Myth: Stroke Are Rare


Current statistics report reveal that stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and 17 million people globally experience a stroke episode each year.

3. Myth: Stroke Affects The Heart


Stroke actually develops in the brain cells which need adequate oxygen and nutrients to function. If the blood supply to the brain is cut off due to a clot or disease of the blood vessels, the cells die resulting in a stroke.

4. Myth: Men Are At High Risk


The actual fact is women are at high risk of stroke than men and also undergo long-term disabilities as an outcome of stroke. Some of the underlying factors which put women under high risk are gestational diabetes and hormonal imbalance.

5. Myth: The Disability From Stroke Is Permanent


Reports from the National Stroke Association reveal that 10% of stroke survivors recuperate wholly and 25% recuperate with mild losses. However, few people may experience permanent disability and long-term rehabilitation therapy may improve the outcome.