World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated on October 20, annually with an aim to raise awareness and educate people about the causes, symptoms, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases across the globe. This day also focuses on the need to take prompt action for treating osteoporosis and averting fractures.

This year’s theme is “Take Action for Bone Health”, where people are educated about the value of taking care of the body and shielding the bones and muscles from disabling and life-threatening fractures. World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) is sponsored by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), which is intensely involved in creating awareness about this distressing bone disorder. Osteoporosis makes the bones so fragile and brittle that even the mildest action like a sneeze or fall can be lethal, causing everlasting pain and discomfort from whole bone breaks and fractures.
World Osteoporosis Day - October 20

In the year 1990, the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) co-sponsored World Osteoporosis Day events with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). Since then, several campaigns were conducted across the globe that calls on the patients and community to take necessary steps for augmenting bone health and eventually reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures at all stages of life.

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One of the chief events for WOD is evaluating bone density. Bones that are less dense are more prone to break or fracture at sudden movement or minor falls. Additionally, the event emphasises the role of a wholesome diet, exercise of bone health and other lifestyle and preventive measures, so that the patients suffering from this disorder can improve their quality of life and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Also Read: World Osteoporosis Day 2020: Essential Nutrients To Strengthen Bones & Joints

Know The Facts

Osteoporosis is the main cause of excruciating and life-threatening fragility fractures. It is a growing global problem, where across the world, fractures affect 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50. If one of your parents had osteoporosis or hip fractures, it may elevate an individual’s risk of developing this condition.

The main culprit of osteoporosis is the spinal cord compression fracture, which can eventually get aggravated if a person engages in movements like walking, running, or standing.

The condition cannot be reversed but with the right treatment options, one can slow down its effects.

Providing better treatments for newly diagnosed patients may help women under 75 and men under the age of 60 improve their quality of life and increase life expectancy to another 15 years.

Preventing Osteoporosis

There are several things one can do to avert deteriorated bones at any age.

Consuming wholesome foods that are abundant in calcium and vitamin D is essential.

A low protein diet can lead to bone loss, while a high protein diet can safeguard bone health as you age.

Meet the demands of vitamin D and K from food sources or taking supplements may help protect bone health.

Engaging in regular weight-bearing exercises like weight training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis and dancing is beneficial in increasing bone formation during bone growth and shield’s bone health in the elderly, including those with low bone density.

Also Read: World Osteoporosis Day: 5 Ways To Stay Healthy With Osteoporosis

Patients suffering from osteoporosis should avoid activities such as twisting the spine or bending forward from the waist, like sit-ups and toe touches.

Being thin or obese can negatively impact bone health. Moreover, it is essential to maintain a steady weight, rather than frequently losing, and regaining weight, which can help preserve bone mineral density.


Bone health is pivotal at all stages of life. But in most cases, having stronger bones is something people often take granted for, as symptoms don’t show until bone loss is advanced.

Well, treating osteoporosis means averting bone loss and rebuilding bone mass to prevent breaks and fractures. Leading a disciplined lifestyle, a getting proper diet, exercise and medications are simple ways to maintain strong bones and prevent bone loss and lower the risk of fractures and it’s never too early to start.