Netrabala is an aromatic medicinal herb used extensively in traditional ayurvedic medicine for its indispensable therapeutic and healing properties. This herb is revered for its incredible ability to cure a host of ailments and disorders. Pavonia odorata is the botanical name of the herb that belongs to the flowering species of the mallow family, Malvaceae. Netrabala or Hrivera its Hindi name is called Fragrant Swamp Mallow in English and Balaka in Sanskrit.

Netrabala is a perennial herb, erect in shape that is covered with sparse sticky hair and grows to a height of 2.5m. The leaves are heart-shaped and the flowers bloom between July to September, they are pink in colour with spherical shaped fruit. It is a native plant in India and is also widely grown in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Tropical African countries.
Medicinal and aromatic plants

Netrabala Uses

Netrabala is a powerful medicinal plant that holds an umpteen number of therapeutic properties, where all the parts of the plant can be used for making different medicinal supplements. The leaves and roots are demulcent and emollient in nature that is valuable in treating urinary disorders, stomach ailments, skin woes to mention a few.

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Medicinal properties of Netrabala plant are:










Cancer preventive







Netrabala herb supports in managing the following problems:

Loss of taste

Heart related ailments

Promotes digestive functioning




Heals wound

Skin issues

Faster wound healing process

Treats hair loss

Bleeding disorders


Ayurvedic Properties

Netrabala is light and dry in nature with a bitter taste and power to keep the body cool. While it is well-known to kindle the digestive fire and stimulates the digestion process. This potent herb helps in pacifying Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Health Benefits

Remedies Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is caused due to the intake of contaminated food or water leads to watery stools, cramps and get worsened leading to dysentery. These stomach ailments can be very well managed with the support of Netrabala owing to its antimicrobial and anti-diarrhoeal properties that helps in clearing bacteria from the intestines. Having a hot infusion of this herb helps in combatting the microbes infecting the gut, reduces the frequency of stools and effectively removes the toxins from the body.

Rectifies Skin Problems

Netrabla imbued with anti-inflammatory, astringent, and healing qualities work wonders to accelerate wound healing and relieves skin conditions like injuries, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, by repairing tissue damage and regenerating new skin cells. Aside from this, the cooling activity of netrabala extracts when diluted and boiled in water is an excellent natural remedy to fight acne, scars, and improves skin complexion and glow.

Treats Bleeding Disorder

Netrabala is a powerful formulation that is beneficial in treating bleeding problems. Most women have several issues related to menstruation like delayed periods and excessive bleeding. Having a concoction of netrabala along with sandalwood and rice washed water (tandulodaka) can aid in managing excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, being an anti-spasmodic, it helps in alleviating abdominal cramps associated with menstruation.

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Promotes Digestion

Netrabla is an effective ayurvedic medicine that helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal system. Strong antimicrobial traits ensure that the digestive system remains free of infection-causing bacteria or fungi. While it also prevents the formation of Ama, toxins which are accumulated due to incomplete digestion process. Additionally, it stimulates the digestive fire, and enhances the absorption of nutrients and improve the digestion process and keeps the body free from toxins.

Prevents Cancer

Antioxidant substances are valuable in scavenging free radicals and fend the body from oxidative stress. Free radicals’ build-up in the body can lead to the formation of benign to malignant tumours over a period. Strong antioxidant and anticancer activities of netrabala help in safeguarding the body against certain types of cancer.

Therapeutic Dosage:

The therapeutic dosage may vary from person to person depending upon the age, body type, medical history, and current condition of a person. It is always best to consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner, who will thoroughly examine the indications and prescribe the effective dosage as per the doshas of the body.

The recommended dosage of Netrabala is 3 to 6 grams per day.

Side Effects

Netrabla is possibly safe when consumed in moderate amounts. However, if taken more than the recommended dosage it can lead to vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, and indigestion issues. Not much information is available regarding its effects on pregnant and lactating women, thus they must avoid having this herb.


Famed as a potent “anti-dysenteric” formulation netrabala effectively treats and cures a wide range of ailments including diarrhoea, dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, urinary disorders, bleeding disorders, skin problems, etc. All parts of this plant hold remarkable medicinal qualities and can be used to make different supplements.