World ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) Day is observed annually on July 29th to highlight the importance of the life-saving merits of ORS in averting and treating dehydration caused by diarrhea. India is witnessing a rapid surge in acute diarhea among young children. Statistics reveal that children under 5 years were the most vulnerable to acute diarrhea and dehydration-related mortality, mainly in developing countries.

This health event emphasizes the importance of ORS as a simple, cost-effective remedy that can save millions of lives.

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Significance of World ORS Day

Educating the populace and creating awareness about ORS is vital to avert the risk of deaths caused due to diarrheal complications. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), diarrhea-related disorders are the second most common cause of mortality in children under five years old. In India, diarrhea is the third most common cause of mortality in children.

According to reports diarrhea affects around 1.7 million children globally each year. And about 5.25 lakh children die annually due to diarrhea. Most children die from diarrhea owing to severe dehydration and loss of electrolytes and fluids. ORS is considered a cost-effective way to fight dehydration caused by various diseases. The use of ORS was started in the early 21st century by WHO and UNICEF. The Indian government actively tries to support the usage of ORS widely and its benefits.

Also Read: World ORS Day: How It Is Made? Benefits, Uses. Myths and Facts About Oral Rehydration Solution

 Importance of ORS

ORS is a scientifically designed drink comprising the right mixture of salts, glucose and water. It is formulated to instantly replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during frequent episodes of diarrhea and vomiting.

ORS is a scientifically proven life-saving solution that can avert severe dehydration and death in both children and adults.

ORS can be easily made and administered at home, which makes it readily accessible to all, including people living in villages.

ORS is an affordable and low-cost solution, thereby making it an essential tool in underdeveloped countries where healthcare resources are limited.

It works quickly to rehydrate and replenish the system, thus mitigating the risk of complications associated with dehydration.

Also Read: World ORS Day: Learn How Oral Rehydration Salts Can Save Lives

How ORS Plays A Key Role In Improving Health

Prevention/ Treatment of Dehydration

ORS is considered a key element in the treatment and prevention of dehydration in diarrheal diseases. This solution can replenish lost fluids and electrolytes, it helps sustain the body's electrolyte balance and support vital bodily functions.

Reducing Mortality Rates

Proper use of ORS across the globe has significantly reduced mortality rates from diarrheal diseases, especially in children under five. According to UNICEF, ORS has helped save over 50 million lives in the last two decades.

Speed-Up Recovery

ORS not only averts the risk and complications of severe dehydration but also aids in faster recovery, reducing the duration and severity of diarrheal episodes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does ORS Help?

ORS works to replenish the essential minerals and fluids lost with the right blend of water and sugar. It helps the system to absorb electrolytes effectively. This potent solution not only prevents dehydration but also reverses it. Evidence shows that ORS works on 90-95 % of patients with mild to severe diarrhea.

How Much ORS Is To Be Given To Children?

The suggested ORS quantity for children includes:

50-100 ml of fluid for children under two years

100-200 ml of fluid for children between two and ten years

Adults and older children can have as much as they want (sipping small amounts of ORS drink throughout the day)

 How Should ORS Be Administered To Children?

It is suggested to give children ORS regularly in small amounts with the help of a dropper or a spoon. Small doses are usually given to children which helps to replenish fluid loss and avert vomiting.

 What Are The Side Effects Of ORS?

ORS when given in the recommended doses, there are no side effects. Remember to discard the ORS within 12 hours if stored at room temperature or you can keep the ORS refrigerated for up to a day or 24 hours.

 How To Prepare ORS?

ORS is sold in the form of solutions and sachets commercially. You can make them by emptying the content into a glass and adding cooled boiled water or filtered water. It is best to follow the instructions given on the ORS sachet to avoid any side effects.

Use only plain water to prepare the ORS, not juice, milk, tea, or any other liquids. You must prepare fresh and have them every time, as a solution stored for more than a day has a risk of bacterial infection.

How To Prepare ORS At Home?

You can prepare your ORS at home by following these steps:

Take a glass of water (200ml)

Use boiled or filtered water

Add sugar (5gms) and a little salt

Stir well and consume

(This article is reviewed by Kalyani Krishna, Chief Content Editor)

Author Profile

M Sowmya Binu:

With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing a wide array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.



Oral rehydration solution in infantile diarrhea: Make sure it is given properly!

Rohit Anand,1 Anirban Mandal,2 and Amitabh Singh1