World Liver Day 2023 (WLD) is a healthcare event observed every year on April 19th globally, marking a year-long campaign devoted towards raising awareness of the increasing burden of liver anomalies throughout the world and also to educate people about  the importance of augmenting liver health, the different types of liver diseases, its causes, symptoms, early diagnosis and treatment so as to reduce the incidence of this chronic condition amongst the general population.

world liver day

Also Read: World Liver Day 2022: Debunking The Common Myths Regarding Hepatic Diseases

The Liver is a cone-shaped, reddish-brown organ that extensively performs an array of functions from helping in metabolism, digestion, assimilation, excretion and building immunity. It is the second largest and one of most complex organs in the body after the brain that plays a significant role in constantly filtering and purifying the blood that is circulating in the body. It also synthesizes vital hormones and enzymes, breaks down food, conserves fatigued blood cells, and regulates glucose storage. 

The holistic science of Ayurveda terms the liver as Yakrit, a critical organ that converts Rasa dhatu (plasma) to Rakta dhatu (blood), while also producing bile (Ranjak Pitta) that helps in detoxifying the body and preventing ama from mixing with the blood. Apart from the afore-mentioned functions, the liver is the seat of the Pitta entity (Pitta Dosha) and regulates the functioning of optimal digestive fire, or Agni.

Also Read: Know About the Warning Signs Of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Unfortunately, unhealthy diet, overconsumption of alcohol, excessive smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle often leads to irregularity or issues pertaining to the liver that can very well disrupt the normal functioning of the human body and lead to severe health problems like Yakrit Vriddhi (liver enlargement),  Yakriddalayudara (liver cirrhosis), Yakrit gata Dosha (chronic hepatitis), Kamala (jaundice), Kumbhakamala (jaundice with oedema), Panaki (jaundice with diarrhoea), Halimaka (jaundice with fever), Lodhara (cholorosis), Lagharaka (chronic hepatitis), and even liver cancer.

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Well, acclimatizing to a healthier lifestyle by incorporating a well-balance diet, adequate quantity of fluids, getting proper sleep, practicing exercises and Yogas and restricting alcohol and tobacco can very well eliminate toxins from the liver and uplift the liver functions. While an advanced stage of liver disease might demand medical intervention, if you have a mild form or are in the initial stages of liver abnormality or just want to promote the health of the liver to prevent diseases, look no further as Ayurveda, the holistic science of conventional remedy brings you spectacular herbs from the lap of Mother Nature to keep ward off liver anomalies naturally.

This 2-minute read details 5 such herbs that not only uplift liver health but also enhance its effectiveness in maintaining the body's equilibrium.

Spectacular Ayurvedic Herbs To Promote Liver Functions

herb for liver


Prized as the ‘King Of Bitters’, Kalmegh, is one such Ayurvedic herb that has numerous immune-enhancing properties like hepatoprotective, digestive, anti-pyretic, cholagogue, and anti-inflammatory and has been used as a traditional remedy for steering clear of liver diseases since the archaic times. The various bioative components in Kalmegh helps in regulating Mandagni (reduced digestive fire) and prevent Yakrit vriddhi (hepatomegaly). Additionally, it has also shown positive results in reversing chemical-induced liver damage and impeding liver toxicity during chemotherapy.


This bitter tasting herb offers an extraordinary remedy for all liver anomalies. Blessed with cooling and detoxifying properties, it works as a liver tonic and eliminates toxins from the gall bladder and liver thereby promoting appetite and treating liver disorders like bile and jaundice. Kutki is also highly beneficial in bolstering body metabolism and treating skin issues that were caused due to the presence of toxins in the blood. Prescribed intake of Kutki is helpful in keeping the liver well and functioning.


The golden-yellow spice needs no introduction as it is an excellent cure for almost all sorts of health woes owing to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Bequeathed with potent antioxidant components, a pinch of this yellow powder not only detoxifies the hepatic cells and supports liver functions but also cleanses blood by ridding the body of toxins. Turmeric also prevents oxidative damage of the liver and reduces the incidence of cancer.l


Guduchi is prized for its anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and blood cleansing traits as it readily helps in boosting the immune system while purifying the blood, kidneys, and liver. These inherent curative properties of this plant make it a base component of most herbal medicines indicated for liver and preventing conditions like jaundice, hepatitis and fatty liver. Prescribed consumption of guduchi medicines not only diminishes the effect of stress and radiation in liver cells but also prevents further damage.


The humble Ashwagandha has an incredible array of bioactive components that works in synch to help in regularizing food metabolism and facilitating bowel movements. It soothes the body and harmonizes all tridoshas in the body. A pinch of Ashwagandha churna if taken daily not only helps to detoxify the body but also boosts liver functions.